10 Percent To Opt Out Of Federal Government


New member
Mar 5, 2008
London UK
Ron Paul discusses the idea of giving 10% to opt out of the federal government.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKQE-y-CWN8&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Ron Paul has a cool idea: Pay 10% to opt out of everything from the federal government[/ame]

Discuss. Imagine if its possible, would you opt out if you are given the opportunity?

No. It's extortion. And it begs the question, "Why is 10% more reasonable than 9%? Why not 11%? Who decides, and why do they get to decide?"

If I receive nothing from the state, what could possibly warrant their stealing 0.000001%, much less 10%?

Side note: I like Stossel, but lol at his porn-star mustache.
10% was just thrown out there brah

I know, but my question stands for any figure that is "thrown out there."

Had Paul suggested 5% (rhetorically, of course), I would still ask that question. 17.63%... my question stands. And so forth.


Also, unrelated to eliquid's post, but to clarify my comment above regarding receiving nothing from the state...

Paul suggests we can have an "adequate defense" for 10%. If a recession hits, and federal tax receipts decline by XX%, is 10% still sufficient for an "adequate defense?" If the economy is rocking (as evidenced by the state's data lol), and receipts rise by XX%, is 10% still necessary to mount an "adequate defense?"

My view is that we don't need the state involved in that pursuit. The state's involvement leads to aggression. I know this will attract venom from some of you, but let the private market handle defense.
Yeah it's idealistic but this is exactly what I want, get the fuck away from me I'll pay the 10%. I have no plans to use any of the large spending government programs, things that I use and intend to utilize like roads and schools for kids, add it on but it should itemized like a cell phone bill so I don't figure out later they expensed strippers and champagne with my money.
It sounds nice but there's no way I would jump on something like that without seeing the fine print. As I see it your just paying it as a fee to get out without getting arrested. So it doesn't necessary GO to anything. If it does, I would want to see exactly what it goes to then I would need to see the list of things I would then be responsible for, school, medical college (state schools), student loans...etc.

Then I could actually make an informed decision before jumping on this bandwagon.
He didn't mention for business but I would KILL to just pay 10% and be left alone to just earn money without the mess and headache of constant paperwork.
This is a good idea if you're ballin I guess...

But not such a great idea for someone who has a regular job earning between 50k-150k per year.

That example that was thrown at him about the guy who suddenly loses his job and his wife gets a chronic disease... they would truly be left alone and be totally screwed if they had signed up for this 10% thing.

Ron Paul is a nice guy but frankly he takes examples from the 60ties way too often to justify his points. We're in 2011 for god's sake, education and healthcare are fucking expensive and I don't see them getting any cheaper in the future.
This plan would totally create a class separation. Could you imagine what it would be like in the USA 10-20 years after this was offered? The 9-5ers would resent the SHIT out of those of us who took it... Sounds kinda like India to me... (!)
That example that was thrown at him about the guy who suddenly loses his job and his wife gets a chronic disease... they would truly be left alone and be totally screwed if they had signed up for this 10% thing.

Ron Paul is a nice guy but frankly he takes examples from the 60ties way too often to justify his points. We're in 2011 for god's sake, education and healthcare are fucking expensive and I don't see them getting any cheaper in the future.

american people are so used to having the government rowing their row boat they forget the citizens of other countries are sailing along on their own just fine

part of the reason why education and healthcare are expensive is because they are heavily government funded
This is a good idea if you're ballin I guess...

But not such a great idea for someone who has a regular job earning between 50k-150k per year.

That example that was thrown at him about the guy who suddenly loses his job and his wife gets a chronic disease... they would truly be left alone and be totally screwed if they had signed up for this 10% thing.

thats why you pay for health insurance out of your 90%

afterall, it is opt out, opt out if it makes sense, dont opt out if it doesnt.