10% discount off Yahoo Search ad spend


New member
Apr 28, 2010
Hey guys,

I've got an exclusive deal with Yahoo that entitles me to a 10% discount off my Yahoo Search campaigns ad spend. This will work only for 2 months from the month that you signed up for this discount (this deal expires by the end of Oct) This qualifies only for US accounts with an average daily spend of at least $100. If you're interested, PM me with your account First name+Last name & account ID. This is limited only to 5 people so first come, first served.

Yeah pretty pointless even if it is legit seeing as the merge is happening soon.
My social security and bank account #'s are all in the same file as my Yahoo ID. Is it okay if I just forward all of it to you?

Thanks again for this exclusive deal.
Dudes this is legit. I PMed him my accounts and he put all of them to 100% discount to show good faith.

I'm enjoying all the free traffic thanks!