But if we had our choice, we would like Argus to be over the same area, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Let's say that the most affordable HDD these days is about 2TB. This is if we are going Google route, where they buy cheap, most available hardware. That means they need to deploy 500,000 HDDs per day! Lets say they have 10 disk arrays. That is 50k servers per day. How is this even possible???
April 15th
Ok, obviously money is not an issue when it comes to gov spending. But how is this physically possible? How many people do you need to employ to do this?
The only thing I can think of is that they do not store data for too long. Maybe just going back 2-3 days and then overwrite it. Otherwise I can't see how this is possible to scale. You'd have to build data centers all the time and buy insane amounts of hardware on daily basis that the whole China won't be able to supply
The ARGUS Ground Exploitation is designed around COTS hardware with flexibility and scalability in mind. While the
base configuration is intended for approximately 100 operators and 200Mbps of live video streams, additional operator
workstations and video streams from the aerial platform can be accommodated by simply adding inexpensive servers to
the deployment. The custom World Wind software components are implemented as plug-ins, and plug-ins for other
sensor platforms can run simultaneously as additional layers.
The videos and MTI streamed from the sensor is stored for over 70 hours, giving operators “TiVo-like” control to pause,
rewind, and skip ahead in video for an entire mission
They also say something stupid about a million terabytes of data per mission, which is BS: if the camera runs for 16 hours the 368 sensors generate 2,000 terabytes of raw data.
They've got 32 laptop drives in the system (one per single board computer). If those store 300 GB apiece, that's 10 terabytes of total storage. 16 hours of storage would require 0.05 bits/pixel -- no way. The JPEG2000 compressor chips are more likely to deliver 0.2 bits/pixel, which means they might be storing one of every four frames.
Let's say that the most affordable HDD these days is about 2TB. This is if we are going Google route, where they buy cheap, most available hardware. That means they need to deploy 500,000 HDDs per day! Lets say they have 10 disk arrays. That is 50k servers per day. How is this even possible???
Ok, obviously money is not an issue when it comes to gov spending. But how is this physically possible? How many people do you need to employ to do this?