Just got scammed by user "sublimedrive" aka Jeffrey Cammack aka Scammer lol lol
A few weeks back, I got a PM from the user "sublimedrive" offering article publishing services on big media sites.
We spoke for a bit on Skype and he offered to publish 2 articles for me with my site link on mashable.com and entrepreneur.com for $198 as a special "review price" for this forum.
I sent the $198 to "his" paypal [FONT="]and he promised a turn around of 48 hours.[/FONT]
I did find it a bit odd that his name didn't match the Paypal account and that it was located in the Phillipines, but a lot of people use other people's Paypals for online stuff, so I proceed ahead.
Anyway, today, more than 72 hours later, he messages me on Skype and tells me that the funds are being "held" by Paypal and that I need to send the funds to another Paypal account that doesn't match his name.
This seemed a bit odd, since the funds went through on my end and showed as received. He told me to open a dispute/chargeback for the funds and then to immediately send them to his new address.
I said I would open a dispute for my funds back, but wait until they returned back to my account before sending again.
Then he went nuts and accused me of trying to scam him by "using a stolen Paypal account" which he says "caused Paypal to hold the funds". I wasn't. He then said if I didn't send him the $198 right away, he would get my site deindexed from Google.
Anyway, he goes even more crazy, demanding money and then PM's me and says I have 4 hours to pay him or he has tarnished my name or some BS on Google.
I don't really care too much about the money, but this is just a warning not to send this guy any money. He's a total scammer that will try extort more money down the line from you with bizarre threats about damaging your business on Google.
He goes by the name of Jeffrey Camamck and uses this website: Jeffrey Cammack – A personal blog of a programmer. but I believe it is a fake identity, since when he first added me, he called me a spoke to me for 2 minutes and he sounds Indian.
Here's the screenshots of the conversation:
- Indian pretending to be a white guy makes me Paypal $198 to the Phillipines for article publishing.
- Days later says the funds are held and demands more money immediately
- After saying I will wait until I have the money back from Paypal, he goes crazy and threatens to blacklist my site from Google and tarnish my name/reputation etc. unless I pay him within 4 hours.
- Accuses ME of trying to scam him. lol
- Uses his reputation here at WickedFire to boast about
how he can do anything he wants. lol
- Should avoid him. Here's his profile: [FONT="]https://www.wickedfire.com/members/sublimedrive.html[/FONT]
A few weeks back, I got a PM from the user "sublimedrive" offering article publishing services on big media sites.

We spoke for a bit on Skype and he offered to publish 2 articles for me with my site link on mashable.com and entrepreneur.com for $198 as a special "review price" for this forum.
I sent the $198 to "his" paypal [FONT="]and he promised a turn around of 48 hours.[/FONT]
I did find it a bit odd that his name didn't match the Paypal account and that it was located in the Phillipines, but a lot of people use other people's Paypals for online stuff, so I proceed ahead.
Anyway, today, more than 72 hours later, he messages me on Skype and tells me that the funds are being "held" by Paypal and that I need to send the funds to another Paypal account that doesn't match his name.
This seemed a bit odd, since the funds went through on my end and showed as received. He told me to open a dispute/chargeback for the funds and then to immediately send them to his new address.
I said I would open a dispute for my funds back, but wait until they returned back to my account before sending again.
Then he went nuts and accused me of trying to scam him by "using a stolen Paypal account" which he says "caused Paypal to hold the funds". I wasn't. He then said if I didn't send him the $198 right away, he would get my site deindexed from Google.
Anyway, he goes even more crazy, demanding money and then PM's me and says I have 4 hours to pay him or he has tarnished my name or some BS on Google.
I don't really care too much about the money, but this is just a warning not to send this guy any money. He's a total scammer that will try extort more money down the line from you with bizarre threats about damaging your business on Google.
He goes by the name of Jeffrey Camamck and uses this website: Jeffrey Cammack – A personal blog of a programmer. but I believe it is a fake identity, since when he first added me, he called me a spoke to me for 2 minutes and he sounds Indian.
Here's the screenshots of the conversation:

- Indian pretending to be a white guy makes me Paypal $198 to the Phillipines for article publishing.
- Days later says the funds are held and demands more money immediately
- After saying I will wait until I have the money back from Paypal, he goes crazy and threatens to blacklist my site from Google and tarnish my name/reputation etc. unless I pay him within 4 hours.
- Accuses ME of trying to scam him. lol
- Uses his reputation here at WickedFire to boast about
- Should avoid him. Here's his profile: [FONT="]https://www.wickedfire.com/members/sublimedrive.html[/FONT]