Planning on having kids? Here's how to make SURE they develop psych. problems...


New member
Jul 21, 2009
Boston, MA
Couple Finally Reveals Child's Gender, Five Years After Birth | Parenting - Yahoo! Shine

Sasha dresses in clothes he likes -- be it a hand-me-downs from his sister or his brother.
The rest of the kindergarteners are going to have a field day with this poor kid. Some people really shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

"Stereotypes seem fundamentally stupid. Why would you want to slot people into boxes?"
I guess it has something to do with what's between our legs (for starters). Just sayin'...

What fucking clowns. As bad as my parents were, I'm thankful they were not this fucking stupid. Fair enough if the child actually has gender identity issues but this isn't the case with this family.
I could be wrong, but I'm guessing that's the type of kid who kills their parents when their 14.
Oh man... still can't get over this. Mind = Blown. Keep reading and re-reading it. The comments are awesome too:

I feel so bad for that kid. He's going to grow up to be Buffalo Bill. He's going to skin his parents and bullies and wear them as suits.
When I hear stories like this I fuckin rage. Makes me sick that there are people this nuts out there. Fuck these weirdos.
The big no-no's are hyper-masculine outfits like skull-print shirts and cargo pants.


In one photo, sent to friends and family, Sasha's dressed in a shiny pink girl's swimsuit.

10/10 would rage again.

That meant Sasha would have to get used to being a boy in the eyes of his peers. Still, his mom is intervening. While the school requires different uniforms for boys and girls, Sasha wears a girl's blouse with his pants.

Fucking attention whore, selfish parents. And who were they hiding his gender from? Who gives a fuck?


In theory, maybe a good idea to counter stereotypes in society. In real life, this guy is going to get so bashed and bullied in school and to some extend by society, that I doubt he'll ever develop into a healthy adult. Poor guy.
I hate parents who get into the whole "no stereotype" bullshit because that is all it is. My 3rd child, a boy, has been surrounded by girl and boy toys equally since he was born, and he never touches the girl's toys. People who try to change the evolution of gender roles just because they think they know better drive me crazy.
Here's another way to royally fuck up your kid

[ame=""]Worst Mom of the Year Toddlers And Tiaras star Alana Holler for a dollar - YouTube[/ame]
> Do you mean the Wasp Factory, or is that another
> Iain Banks book about a psychotic mixed gender child?

Oh shit... yeah... Wasp Factory. It was 27 years ago, though, so no wonder I slipped up.
27 years... man, where does the time go?

Anyway.... This ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

The true irony here is that in trying to protect the kid from the bias and negativity that come from stereotypes, these fuckos have basically paved the way for this kid to get screwed with unrelentlessly for his entire life.

There's no way this kid grows up without getting fucked with at every turn.