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  1. imagenesis

    Why you should clean your colon!

    Ethicon Endo-Surgery Awesome!
  2. imagenesis

    All of the federal money needs to spent on developing autonamous vehicles

    If you really think about, freeing up the time people spend driving is the only REAL, FAST gain in productivity.
  3. imagenesis

    Is the beta online Google Adwords interface made with GWT

    Based on your 1337 coding experience with GWT
  4. imagenesis

    INCREDIBLE dancing skills!!! - Media
  5. imagenesis

    Adbrite ads disapearing after ad creation?

    I have created a few ads for Adrite but whenever I go into the campaign manager, there is nothing there. What's going on?
  6. imagenesis

    Adbrite campaigns disapearing after rejection?

    I create a ad campaign. Log in an hour later it's just vanished... is that how they disapprove them?
  7. imagenesis

    Acai Canada Offers

    Anyone got anything? (that has reasonable placement of T&Cs)
  8. imagenesis

    Google Money Advertiser Runs WIth the money

    So whats up?
  9. imagenesis

    Intellichat Converions

    I'm guesing its different for every merchant but how is intellichat set up for the most part in terms of crediting affiliates vs intellichat. Now, granted I haven't seen any real videos of consumers interacting with intellichat but it seems like 100% bullshit that intellichat gets the entire...
  10. imagenesis

    Facebook internal server error?

    I submitted a ton of ads today and everything was fine. Then they rejected a bunch of them and now im getting: There was an error There was an internal error. Please try again. On the https confirmation page. Anybody getting this? Did they lock down the account?
  11. imagenesis

    Blocking MakeMoniesOnline...

    Open up the file named hosts located in.. c:/windows/system32/drivers/etc Add these two lines Go to Feel invincible. Okay Paul, now go set up dynamic sub domains (posible with htaccess?). To lazy to...
  12. imagenesis

    Ajacent city or major city with Geoip by Maxmin

    I have looked at some of the functions but it seems like a pretty big drag the way it is coded (buffers) to say retrieve some random city within 30 miles of another specific city. Anybody have a solution they can share?
  13. imagenesis

    I make it rain son

    YouTube - Make it Rain
  14. imagenesis

    (PS) Is it posible to set/change the default "save to web" file format

    Sometimes I have a sliced up file and I would like all new slices to default to a particular format, but for some reason the default on the file is jpeg. It seems random from my point of view as it always seems to change. Is there a setting for this? I would like to set it so that all new...
  15. imagenesis

    Do animals realize babies come from sex?

    Well? Searched google etc. Seems like a pretty important question.
  16. imagenesis

    Hilarious Microsoft Commercial

    YouTube - Microsoft Google Killer
  17. imagenesis

    Pics of my girlfriend (NSFW!!!)

    She's been taking this new amazing product called Acai berries (they're actually a very high in antioxidants found in South America) and another incredible product called colon cleanse for only 2 weeks and it's absolutely incredible!
  18. imagenesis

    So who's going to get fucked with Acai?

    ValueClick to Pay $2.9 Million to Settle FTC Charges
  19. imagenesis

    Why the Vista hate (just installed and impressed)

    I gotta admit I used to be a Vista hater. My first laptop i actually uninstalled and installed XP pro over it cause it seemed like it would be a lot of useless BS. But I gotta say it's definitely a lot more polished than XP in a lot of ways. The performance degradation for raw computing tasks...