Search results

  1. Surfer Dude

    ScrapeBox & Proxies

    Just starting out with SB and have a question about proxies... I want to check about 100 URLs at a time to see if they're alive or dead, if they're indexed, etc. I need to keep track of my articles, Web 2.0 posts, purchased links, etc. I want to find relevant blogs to post comments to, but...
  2. Surfer Dude

    Scrapebox Question - Dead Links

    Still learning how to use SB and wondering if it can do this for me... In the last couple of months I've paid for linking services via profiles, blog comments, article submissions, Web 2.0, bookmarks, etc. I'd like to take the list of all of these URLS, (I'll just say there are 1000 URLs to...
  3. Surfer Dude

    Blogroll Networks - Do They Exist?

    I run a few eCommerce sites and one of my biggest competitors has ramped up his backlinking in the last few months. It looks like he's in some sort of blogroll network and is listed in blogrolls of PR2-5 sites, such as this PR5 site: 365 Days 365 Plays Blogrolls look like a much better way to...