Search results

  1. M

    Selling Insurance Leads

    What are the best networks to work through for selling car insurance leads, as well as life insurance, etc..? Thanks!
  2. M

    18-24 Male Demographic - Highest Converting Offers?

    What are the highest converting offers to push to a 18-24 male demographic? Ringtones Crush ?? ?? Also, in your response, I'd appreciate it if you could please suggest which CPA company has the best offer going. Thanks
  3. M

    $250k - What would you promote?

    So, with a $250k budget, what products/services would you suggest promoting? Is there anything that can scale with these kind of numbers? Interested in ideas and possibly partnership. Please contact me. Thanks, Merlin
  4. M

    $250k budget - What would you promote?

    If you had a $250k budget, what product/service would you promote?
  5. M

    Anyone here have ideas, but limited resources?

    I'm interested in partnering with people who have ideas for new web site developments, but have limited resources. Maybe you would like to work in co-operation with another good thinker. Anyway, I'm looking for some productive and intelligent individuals. I come from a background in domaining...
  6. M

    Large Scale Arbi - $150,000/month

    Does anyone have any suggestions for large scale arbitrage? Let's say I have $150,000 capital disposable per month for traffic - is there any sensible way to do arbi on a larger scale and double or triple that kind of money on a monthly basis? Do I need a large infrastructure? i.e.: a mega...