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  1. popeye

    Been gone a litte while!

    Been gone a little while! Im back. The last few months have been very busy and productive for me. I sold all of my small loan offices (25) for one million dollars. So yes I do have one million dollars sitting in my bank. I also helped in several political campains here locally...and we won by...
  2. popeye

    This is what made me rack up muslim kills

    This is one of the videos that made me enlist after 9/11. Can you imagine your family member having to jumb to thier death? This is why I went to the middle east and took care of business. Do I regret killing muslims that danced in the street after 9/11...nope. I am a warrior and I fought for...
  3. popeye

    911 Imam shows true colors

    Mosque Developer Rejects Meeting With Paterson | NBC New York Just goes to show how serious this imam is in improving relations with the West. Patterson offered state land for the Mosque. The Hamas backing Imam won't even meet with him.
  4. popeye

    PC shit is driving me crazy!

    Obama Effigy Replaced by Hillary and Bush | NBC Philadelphia Reverse racism? Blatent hypocrisy? Rampant progressive racist and hypocrits? Really the PC shit is really driving me fuckin crazy. Why is it necessary to take down the image of Obama but fine to stick the former President and...
  5. popeye

    This shit is outa control

    Newspaper Chain’s New Business Plan: Copyright Suits | Threat Level | Watch what you post on your blogs. Watch what your visitors post on your blogs or you might just end up getting sued for copyright violations. I guess this could be a method of taking out the competition. Keep...
  6. popeye

    The Internet - Goodnight Sweet Prince

    U.S. Authorities Shut Down Wordpress Host With 73,000 Blogs | TorrentFreak This is only the beginning. What right does the government have wiping out a site just because it is on shared hosting with some site that is posting RS links? fairness, capitalism and our freedoms are rapidly...
  7. popeye

    I hope you Obama fucks are happy

    Democrats push for new Internet sales taxes | Politics and Law - CNET News Looks like the demfucks want a slice of your pie to fund thier fuckin loser welfare programs and payoff the political favors owed to the communist unions. First it was bullshit regs by the FTC, then the push for "net...
  8. popeye

    All The Terrorist Sympathizers..Read This

    Sorry coundn't come up with a new "what's your favorite hair gel" thread so I thought I would inform all the terrorist symphathizers what they are supporting. Taliban hang 7-year-old boy accused of being a spy, suicide bomber kills 40 at Afghanistan wedding When you defend Hamas and groups...
  9. popeye

    How safe is Rapidshare

    Got a bit paranoid after reading Hurt Locker producer sues 5,000 BitTorerent users | TG Daily. How safe is downloading from Rapidshare? Are torrents safer?
  10. popeye

    FCC and the Internet

    The Federal Communications Commission has decided to hell with courts ruling against them and is planning to go ahead with "net neutrality" by regulating the Internet as if it were a utility. Now, most you you sane people have to see the problems that are in store for us if this happens. Even...
  11. popeye

    This is why the majority of Americans support Arizona

    Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees | NBC Bay Area Incidents like this is why the majority of Americans favor the new legislation in Arizona. The burning of American flags at protest, attacking police, refusing to learn english and not accepting American culture...
  12. popeye

    Does Liberalism Make You Fuckin Stupid?

    I made my daily rounds today on the left wing idiot blogs to see what the fools are up to. I saw several discussions stating that Thomas Jefferson was athiest. Why do liberals push this? I understand that they grasp frantiically for evidence that at least one founding father was athiest but it...
  13. popeye

    Biggest Landing Page Theft of All Time!

    Well kinda.....I have seen a lot of post with members crying and bitching about some fool jacking their landing pages. It looks like the Democrats are trying to jack Bush's lander. On February 11, 2010 Joe Biden said in a speech, “Irag will be one of the great accomplishments of the Obama...
  14. popeye

    Performance/Concert you would give left nut to attend

    This one would have ROCKED!! YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  15. popeye

    IT guys rule the roost?

    My bro. runs the IT department for a fortune 500 company. He called me the other day and needed some help because most of his crew was out with the flu and they had a major project going on. I haven't worked for anyone else in like 15 years but I thought...what the fuck I will go in and help...
  16. popeye


    WW2 in HD on The History Channel is bad ass. Check it out!
  17. popeye

    Any One Use Telemarketing?

    I am wanting to hire outbound telemarketers to support one of my online projects. Has anyone ever used telemarketers? Does anyone know of any good/inexpensive companies to use?
  18. popeye

    Idiot Libs Pray To Obama

    YouTube - Lefty's Pray To Obama Why do libs call conservatives dumb, ignorant etc. When they have fools like this running thier party. This makes the nascar crowd look like damn geniuses
  19. popeye

    what is your favorite video?

    This may indicate my age but I was at a Nirvana concert in Seattle in '02 and it blew my mind. Not only did I witness the greatness of Nirvana but I also was blown and srewed by a chick that is now on network TV, in a port a potty. It was probably the greatest concert EVA! What is your...
  20. popeye

    Gun Toting White Conservatives Hate Blacks

    oops! guess daily kos, huff post, MSNBC and all the rest of the idiots will have to drop that lefty talking point.