Search results

  1. mimoza3

    SEOmoz pro - yay or nay?

    About a year ago one of my clients got me a one year subscription to SEOmoz (he was, at that time, obsessed with how his site compares to competition in SEOmoz ranking), the subscription will be over next month and I can pick it up at $79 per month. I use Majestic and serpIQ (pretty happy with...
  2. mimoza3

    On the issue of Free Speech

    The past couple of days have seen some threads and posts here that made me think, and only after reading this forum founder answer to one post did it really sink in, and I realized that some people here have a very limited understanding of the basic right of freedom of speech. When you limit...
  3. mimoza3

    Firefox Adds Google SSL As Default

    now those of us who still use google analytics will get even more "not provided" keywords traffic. why would firefox play along with this stupid google idea i do not know. Firefox To Enable Google SSL Search By Default Firefox To Use Google Secure Search By Default; Expect More "Not Provided"...
  4. mimoza3

    convert a dead mormon

    just too good to be ignored, and highly relevant to the guy webmaster forum. All Dead Mormons Are Now Gay
  5. mimoza3

    Syrian citizens butchered by their own army

    I'm really surprised no one has posted or talked about this in here yet. I wonder how fast it would have been posted if it was American soldiers shooting Syrian Civilians. Syria: Massacre in Homs leaves dozens more dead - Video - Breaking News Videos from
  6. mimoza3

    the sub domain conundrum

    When i first started doing SEO (about 8 years ago i guess) sub domains were huge. The whole idea got killed a couple of years later, but back in the day I was setting up "hub" type sites and setting sub domains under it. If the topic was "cars" i would register a domain named something like...
  7. mimoza3

    Sometimes being nice does pay off

    Here is a little story, about 4 years ago I had a dinner party for some friends, one guy (a friend of a friend) started telling me how difficult it was for him to get leads for his work (plumber) since he was new in town, I started telling him about local search - one thing led to another and I...