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  1. wanna-succeed

    What are these worth?

    Here are a few domains I own. What do you think they are worth?
  2. wanna-succeed

    Ezine Platinum Author Offering Flawless Content - Reviews Available!

    Hi everyone, I have recently been awarded platinum status on "Ezine Articles", widely considered the most respectable article directory on the internet. Now, to business! I am here to offer you my very own writing services.:thumbsup: I have been a serious writer for years now, and I am looking...
  3. wanna-succeed

    Coolest Trick Shots Ever!

    Have any of you seen this video?:thumbsup: TLP Mediaplayer  -  Johnny Mac Trick Shot Quarterback Whoever doesn't like this has some serious issues.:boid:&:love-smiley-083:
  4. wanna-succeed

    Superb Article Writer At Your Service!

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know I am now for hire.:thumbsup: My writing abilities are briliant, I can provide proof! I was at the top of my "Creative Writing" class throughout highschool. I have continued writing since then and have sharpened my skills. I write enticing...
  5. wanna-succeed

    How Long Before You Started Making Any Money?

    The title says it all. I am hoping to get enough replies to see what the average is. I have built my first website 3 weeks ago and yesterday I made like 0.90$ from adsense. Is it just me or does that seem ultra weak?:mad: How long did it take you? Also, what other ways are there for monetizing...