Search results

  1. Art72

    O.k. Now I'm F'in Pissed!

    Something's just not right fucking with "G"... Yesterday I spent 4 hours hunting down specific keywords to result pages that had no ads currently running, but were getting thousands of hits per day! One of my sources informs that doing this you can target little known ad slots on "G", and get...
  2. Art72

    Sent PM's?

    Is there a specific setting in the CP whereby, I can view my "sent" private messages. I can't tell if my messages are actually going out or not? I've sent 2 responses to PM's over the last couple of days, and my folder shows...."sent Items 0 " Kind of aggravating, really... Thanks
  3. Art72

    Parking Domain Question?

    I just stumbled on WhyPark[dot]com and was wondering; Say I found an [exact] match keyword that gets 368,000 global, and 110,000 local searches monthly. *Yes, the keyword is exact, not broad, or phrase. The competition is low, but bordering medium competition, and is a popular component of...
  4. Art72

    Optimizing a Sales-Page?

    Is it a waste of time to try and optimize a sales-page? I have tweaked the meta info, added index,follow...corrected any errors, tested all my links, added Google Analytic codes, a twitter button, pic, some decent bonuses, and threw in a hosting affiliate link, in addition to having submitted...
  5. Art72

    Salespage Help?

    I took some initiative and bought a series of pre-templated salespages for some resell products I want to start selling. So far, I have managed to edit the HTML text without any real problems. Where I am struggling is with the testimonial boxes, I have the text displayed, and know the images...
  6. Art72

    Hiring a Programmer to build MLM System?

    Currently assembling a "legal" and in-depth MLM system w/ a 3-tier payment system, and realize there is no way in hell I can possibly program everything my marketing system would need to include, and would have to offer to operate seamlessly. I have the entire "vision" mapped out, and have...
  7. Art72

    Affiliate Program? or Illegal MLM?

    Alright, I just blistered my mind reading some legal information on a lawyers site on what constitutes a legit MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) System -vs- an illegal MLM. I'm a bit worried as I don't want to do all this work, start raking in cash, and then have some legal ramification seize my...
  8. Art72

    Creating a Member Back Office?

    Can anyone recommend a good 'open source' program (or inexpensive program) that offers a "member's only" versatile back office? *Basically developing a membership idea that will require paid member's enter their user/password, whereby they can upload files, download, access tutorials, affiliate...
  9. Art72

    Domain Keywords?

    This might be a stupid, but I gotta ask. I've read a ton of posts stating that the domain keywords matter little by comparison to the content on a specific site. I bought a domain last week and haven't really configured the site yet. I received an random email from AddDomainsNames[dot]com...
  10. Art72

    Re-coding a mini-mall-Help!

    What I am trying to build is based on a "source code" I borrowed from one of my affiliate sites with 5900 lines of code! In most the code I can identify the "company's" information, and have began the exhausting process of stripping this infomation, and replacing it with my own URL's, header...
  11. Art72

    Best web editor for win7?

    I am currently using a free version of HTML-kit and honestly, not a big fan. Thinking of going with Coffee cup $49...any suggestions?
  12. Art72

    Wheelin' and Dealin'

    Anyone here showcasing large volumns of master reseller products? Can't make no guarantees, but if you are... pm me with links to your product line, and maybe we can work a deal. Considering buying a total of $500-$1000 worth of product(s) from a site that offers a 25% discount in bulk, but it...
  13. Art72

    How do I host a downloadable product?

    If your selling a downloadable product, what is the procedure for allowing the "paid" customer access to the file. When I bought the master reseller rights, I paid for it, received an email with a link to "download" the files. Also, the 'link' the seller provided stated it would expire after 3...
  14. Art72

    Noob Solution: Collect Opt-in info

    My site(s) are not quite ready for the monthly fee of Aweber's autoresponder, nor am I so priviledged to finger out the mysql and php programming codes to structure my opt-in box properly... But I did find a cool "temporary" solution. offers a simple cut & paste solution. It...
  15. Art72

    Writing: Legal Question

    I've been working on a new blog, and writing a lot of content recently. I added a tab to my blog "Mindset 4 Success". In short, it's centered around the concept of a applying a structured psychology in ones personal and business practices, and concerns life skills that can serve as the key...
  16. Art72

    Domain Keywords?

    First off, how critical are the keywords used in the domain name? I read here on WF somewhere that it can help build traffic, but really it all boils down to the sites content. Obviously, I don't want my domain to be something completely random like if my content is centered...
  17. Art72

    Domain Question

    Hi all. My wife spit out a domain name earlier (, it was 'goldmine' if available. So I searched for availability on GoDaddy, it showed as available for $11.99yr. I got excited, and went to but it, but it wouldn't let me proceed to cart; "No Domain Selected" window popped up. I...
  18. Art72

    Alright...which is it?

    Which is the "quickest route" to obtaining "solid" web design and programming knowledge... Accredited Online College? -or- Being Self-Taught?
  19. Art72

    Master Reseller Rights?

    I'm trying to understand the difference between "reseller rights" and "master reseller rights". For example, i bought reseller rights for a "website-in-a-box" for 1 year @ $129. However, I still have to purchase the products and have to maintain inventory in order to sell the actual product...
  20. Art72

    Landing Page Help

    I recently downloaded a basic landing page template. I'm getting ready to add a simple opt-in box which includes: 3 boxes and a 'submit' button. Example: First Name: Last Name: Your Email: (submit button) Having found the basic code structure on w3schools, I think I can handle the basics...