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  1. StackCorruption


    Anybody have a hookup on Canadian FB likes? I'm willing to pay high, and will definitely be a recurring customer. What I'm not willing to do, is pay $36 to post this WTB thread... :laughing-smiley-007 :laughing-smiley-007 :laughing-smiley-007 Hit me up! :cool-smiley-008:
  2. StackCorruption

    Edit iTrader?

    Hi there, I left a negative feedback because I didn't get the full service I asked for for a week; but then the user made-up by giving me beyond extra of what I ordered. I feel really bad for him and wish to remove this negative feedback as he went beyond in-terms of making up for the delay...
  3. StackCorruption

    Buying: Proxies (BULK) bot/server

    Looking to buy a ton of proxies for a good price. Looking for anywhere from 500-10,000. They must be from different areas, not all the same area. Preferably USA proxies (again not all from the same city). I don't care if the proxies are bot proxies or server proxies but they must work. I was...
  4. StackCorruption

    Buying Youtube Accounts

    Looking to buy Youtube accounts. Only msg me if you have Skype, AIM, YIM, Gtalk, or MSN to make transactions fast as I may need new ones every single day.
  5. StackCorruption

    WTH: Android Programmer

    So some prick stole my $600 samsung galaxy s yesterday, and I realized if I knew this persons routine I would scare the shit out of him/her for months on end. Anyways, this is what I want: *Anti-theft program* that does the following: -Hides it self so it cannot be detected by others, like a...
  6. StackCorruption

    Profit Siege?

    So I got an email about some BS software named "Profit Siege" in which, again, is one of those penny softwares in which is going to make you hundreds of thousands from doing didly shit all. Anyways, his "secret method" is only using PPV in which isn't very secret at all. People who program...
  7. StackCorruption

    WTB: Looking to hire Designer (on-going)

    Alright so I can code, but I can't design for shit. So I'm looking for a good designer to do lots of work for me. First thing I want to do is re-design about 7 templates I have for a Free blogging network I coded a few years ago. I'm also wanting the main website re-designed. I also need a few...