Search results

  1. SniperRyan

    Crush the Castle 2

    If the original captured your attention, well... here's more. Now with spiffy graphics. Crush the Castle 2 | Armor Games
  2. SniperRyan

    Newsflash 1995: The Internet is Hype and Won't Do Anything

    Terrific article someone dug up from Newsweek circa 1995: Clifford Stoll: Why Web Won't Be Nirvana - Newsweek For better or worse, almost everything the article mentions is done online now. Can't wait to see what we "won't" be doing in another 15 years.
  3. SniperRyan

    Possible Crackpot Says Gulf Oil Leak Unstable, May Collapse

    This comment on The Oil Drum The Oil Drum | Deepwater Oil Spill - A Longer Term Problem, Personnel - and Open Thread 2 cites a lot of resources about what is really happening with the BP well. Apparently, this guy isn't one of the more well-known or respected members on that board, so it might...
  4. SniperRyan

    Last Blog Post from The Guy Who Flew His Plane into IRS Building Interesting read. Too bad he's gone, seems like he would've made a great WF member.
  5. SniperRyan

    WTF? Really?

    Found my next Thanksgiving FB ad image. Thanks iStockHell
  6. SniperRyan

    Crush the Castle

    The Original: Crush the Castle | Armor Games And the more fun player-contributed maps: Crush the Castle Players Pack | Armor Games If I'm unproductive, you should be too.
  7. SniperRyan

    Discussion: Is Redirecting Copyright Infringement?

    So I just got an interesting C&D... long story short: I had set an old domain to redirect to some lady's site and she decided to threaten me and my registrar with a lawsuit (hah). Making everyone's life easier, I just changed the redirect and shot her an email kindly asking her to shut up. The...
  8. SniperRyan

    Want to Feel Better About Your Desk Job?

    At least this has never happened to you when you reached over to adjust your headphone cord: WARNING - I'm not squeamish and this made me sick. Not for anyone with a heart condition. Thumb Cut Off ***Graphic*** -
  9. SniperRyan

    Activate an Onclick Event via PHP, Ruby or Perl script?

    I'm wondering if it's possible to activate an 'onclick' event on a third-party website using an automated script of some kind? I'm guessing this is possible because TGP sites have been around forever and people must have figured out multiple ways to vote themselves up, but all my G searches...
  10. SniperRyan

    Bad at CSS but Good at Addition?

    Did a quick search but didn't see anything posted on this yet. Just an FYI for anyone who does LP or website design. One of the designers I follow on Twitter put this out there the other day: 960 Grid System The concept is a CSS framework based on using 960 pixels of width and dividing that...
  11. SniperRyan

    Your Business Card Sucks...

    And this guy will show you a better one... YouTube - Your business card is CRAP! What a douche.
  12. SniperRyan

    LinkScape Giveaway

    Here's the deal: SeoMoz's Pro members get 20 LinkScape reports each month, my counter resets on the 27th and I haven't used all of my capacity. In the interest of giving back, I'm giving out 10 of my remaining reports. This is basically a CSV file of whatever URL you want with all inbound...
  13. SniperRyan

    Save Yourself $50

    This little flash game is worth more than 90% of the space strategy games that you have to pay for. Check it out: CC - Games > The Space Game Enjoy your unproductive Saturday night. I'm off to dinner.
  14. SniperRyan

    Something to do While Refreshing FB Stats

    Since everyone seems to have mobbed the FB staff today, here's a fun flash game to play for the 10 minutes between stat updates: GROW TOWER(GAME) (EYEZMAZE --FLASH GAME--) Gotta love the Grow games. For the uninitiated, you place things on the game "board" and they level up after each...
  15. SniperRyan

    Over 2,000 posts... Only 1 User

    Just saw this over on Digg or somehere: Magical Bulletins - Home This autistic guy has been running a forum like a blog. Registration is locked down so only he can post, and he writes from a couple different perspectives. A couple of gems: And here's a thread where he continually delays a...
  16. SniperRyan

    Email Scammers Kicking it up a Notch

    "I felt very sorry and bad for you, that your life is going to end like this if you don't comply ..." Hit Man's E-Mail Is Bogus Scam
  17. SniperRyan

    Isn't it Ironic?

    Found this in my feeds this morning: Irony : pics The comments on that page are hilarious.
  18. SniperRyan

    Anyone in the Pet Embalming Niche?

    Toby y Sheila This is definitely what YouTube was made for.
  19. SniperRyan

    Kind of like Sonic 2.0

    Sit down with your favorite inebriation tool and give this game a play: <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> ME 2D Beta at Borne Games Very cool game concept.
  20. SniperRyan

    Being Productive? Better get in here...

    Since the last game I was addicted to got some good play on WF, I figured I'd share the latest flash game I've been addicted to. This is a really simple strategy game, but tons of fun (kind of like Galcon for the iPhone): StarBaron Flash Games - Over 10,000 Flash Games - 10 Added Every Weekday