Search results

  1. D

    FeedLines product & sales site up for auction, $1700 in sales

    I've got too much on my plate right now, so I'm selling one of my sites/products. I don't have time to answer questions people send in about it anymore. I listed it as an auction on SitePoint's marketplace to keep the bidding in one place: FeedLines: original script product, $1700 in sales...
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    Microsoft's new $300 million ad campaign

    5 ads so far. The first two are ... WTF ? Some people find them hilarious, some people just scratch their heads. The last three are ... haha Mac, we can do "I'm a PC" too! Commercial #1 <object width="425" height="344"> <embed src=""...
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    Buying gold

    I'm trying to think of a way to safeguard my savings against the US economy, and the US dollar, becoming any worse. I've already pulled out of most investing activity, and I have more than $100,000 in some bank accounts, which isn't safe since it's above the FDIC insured amount. I thought...
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    Other black hat forums

    What are some common places scripts, ebooks and the like are traded illegally? I've found a few and had copies of my own software removed from their boards, but I know there are others out there...
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    PopUrls/AllTop Clone

    FeedLines: Run Your Own Single Page RSS Aggregator! Run your own site just like the popular PopUrls and AllTop. Features: No installation Use virtually any RSS/ATOM feed Updates itself every 10 minutes with no cron jobs Requires no database Super-fast through caching of feeds Design controlled...
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    Turn WordPress Into a Powerful Review Site Engine

    WP Review Site Plugin The best super-affiliates are raking in tens of thousands of dollars a month running review sites. They’re the perfect affiliate marketing website — fresh content, that you don’t have to write (your visitors do the work for you!), that convinces buyers to pull out their...