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  1. HiMyNameIsTom

    What do you guys think of my plan?

    So, I have a contract software job through the end of February, and I decided that...hey, I'm 29, I've made really shotty initial efforts at getting into IM in the past, and well, its time to do it for real. Been reading up on tons of info (I know over-consumption of info...bad). Right now...
  2. HiMyNameIsTom

    How to get serious about this shit?

    Hey guys. Pretty newb post here, but its something that's been on the mind for a WHILE now, brewing inside of me, and in the past few months my business has become pretty clear in my mind. Phase 1 seems very possible, and I see these crazy next several phases of expansion for it. My main...
  3. HiMyNameIsTom

    How on earth does this site have a PageRank of 3?

    OK, so I've been doing The Challenge for a little bit, and I'm almost done with module 4 (for those who know the stages). I know The Challenge is kinda hated on here, so sorry for using it. FTR I did read a lot of the criticisms, and I have a few of my own, but at least I'm learning some...