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  1. JDA

    [WTS] Links from PR5 Celeb Blog and PR5 Humor Blog Both < 40k Alexa

    For sale a variety of packages: General Celebrity blog Traffic = 1 mil + pv per month Page Rank = 5 Alexa Rating = Roughly 30k For sale: 125x125 Image ad at the top of the left sidebar with a followed link = $150 / month Link plug within a post = $50 Sidebar Link = $50 a month (minimum 6...
  2. JDA

    Good directory script?

    I recently picked up a domain in a niche where I think I could create a profitable directory, but I don't really know much about directory software. Two questions: 1) I like the look of this: Anyone have a clue what they're using? 2) What directory scripts...
  3. JDA


    I-O Ohio State 24 - Texas 7 Hook that bitches.
  4. JDA

    Google PSA ads on front page, but not on article pages?

    I feel like I'm missing something incredibly obvious here, but take a look at this site: There's an adsense block up top that displays a Google PSA ad every time I look at the site. There's also an adsense block in the top right hand corner that's blank. But then look...
  5. JDA

    MySpace style social networking script?

    Does anyone know of a script that allows you to build a Myspace type social networking site? I have an idea for a niche that might work well as a social networking community. Thanks for any help.
  6. JDA

    What Jeff Killed Today

    This cat is a total badass: Never realized a cat could bring down a rabbit, but I'm now a believer.
  7. JDA

    Selling some text links on Mobile Herald, cell phone, ringtone, txt message blog

    Site is Mobile Herald: I'm looking to sell six text links spots, all links are site wide. Mobile Herald is PR 5, and it has very few outbound links right now (outside of what's in blog entries there's one I think). I do plan on adding a blogroll eventually though (to get...
  8. JDA

    Niche Marketing Theme for Wordpress

    I just wanted to let you guys know that I've bought and released a Wordpress Theme for public use: It's got pretty decent ad integration, and it doesn't have too much of a "blog" feel to it. I think it's pretty good for product centric blogs, or...
  9. JDA

    Question about CPM ads

    What CPM ad service would you suggest I apply for with my site Hott for Teacher? It gets around 100,000 page views a month, is that even enough to run CPM ads? Thanks for any help anyone can give me, this is really an area I don't know much about.
  10. JDA

    Yahoo Showing Yahoo! Answers Results At Bottom Of SERPS

    From Threadwatch: How long until the blackhatters try to take advantage of this?
  11. JDA

    RSS Feed readers

    What do you guys use to keep on RSS feeds? I've always used Bloglines, but there's a ton of options out there.
  12. JDA

    Yahoo settles click fraud lawsuit
  13. JDA

    This is a pretty creative idea:
  14. JDA

    Blogads Invites

    Blogads recently became an invite only system, and I just wanted to let you guys know that I have invites available if you need them. Your site/blog should get at least 1,000 page views a day for it to do you any good. If you get a lot of traffic BlogAds can do pretty great things for you...
  15. JDA

    Photo gallery on a Wordpress site

    I was thinking about adding photo galleries to a couple of fan sites, and this is what I've found so far as far as tools to do so: Does anyone have any experience with the above three? Or any...
  16. JDA

    Adsense Firefox Extension

    I'm sure many of you already use this, but I've found this to be a really useful Firefox extension: It displays your AdSense earnings in the lower right hand bar of your Firefox window. I think it updates every 20 minutes or so. Very handy!
  17. JDA

    Pop ups

    Does anyone here use pop ups? Do you they convert better than other ads? I don't have any sites where they'd really fit right now, but I was wondering what people's stances are with these.
  18. JDA

    How long to get your first AdSense check?

    How long did it take you to get your first AdSense check? If I remember right it took me three months to get to the $100 threshold for the first time.
  19. JDA

    Google and Firefox referrals

    Has anyone had any success with these? I had the Get Firefox button up on some of my sites for awhile, but only made a few dollars.
  20. JDA

    Website with 22bn impressions a month

    This is amazing: