Search results

  1. potentialeight

    Dealing With Distractions

    I figure there's a good number of you guys who are into GTD and/or who are active about productivity in general. Are any of you super proactive about heading off distractions before they occur? I wrote a blog post last week (How I Stay Organized and Implement GTD) and had a number of people...
  2. potentialeight

    Is a BST Thread Worth It For This?

    Quick question for everyone. I have someone I'm helping to get more clients writing in the health/beauty space. Good, reliable writer with a science background; not the common ditz, unreliable female (no homo). Would telling her to get an account here and post a BST thread be worth a shit at...
  3. potentialeight

    Official Bitching About Forum Changes Thread

    There, you people can bitch about the forum changes here instead of doing it in every other thread.
  4. potentialeight

    So what did everyone get/give for Christmas?

    Well since this forum's about dead as fuck, what did everyone get/give for Christmas? I got some pretty sweet headphones and a Kreg jig I wanted.
  5. potentialeight

    Ronda Butterface Domestic Violence Offender* Rousey got knocked the fuck out

    sports - Jiffier gifs through HTML5 Video Conversion. * Source (USA Today)
  6. potentialeight

    Any opinions on Producteev alternatives?

    I'm looking for a simple project management tool for keeping a couple of local females on track with their work. They're both reliable etc, but I just want one place where I can organize everything. iPhone app with notifications is a plus, and so is a lack of a serious learning curve. All I...
  7. potentialeight

    Question for People Writing Content

    Quick question for anyone writing content (whether you do it for your own sites or for other people): On a topic you aren't familiar with and need to do cursory research on, what would you estimate is your words per hour, or how long do you think it would take you to write 1,000 words? An...
  8. potentialeight

    Tabs for Windows Explorer

    Saw this shit on imgur earlier, and it's pretty cool. I'm surprised I'd never heard of it before, so I figured I would share: Clover Brings Chrome-Style Tabs to Windows Explorer. |
  9. potentialeight

    A Few Tools I Use for Productivity

    There's a productivity thread about every six weeks or so, and I figure we're due. Someone asked me what I use for organization/productivity or whatever after they saw some of my posts in a previous productivity thread, so I figured I'd just post a list here and link him to it. WinSplit...
  10. potentialeight

    Found a New System for Reminders I Like

    I use a really chopped up and modified version of GTD, but one of the biggest things I've always had a problem with was having a decent way to record my ideas and things I need to remember without it turning into a pain in the ass. This pretty much solved my problem: I already have shit in...
  11. potentialeight

    Public Defender Jami Tillotson Arrested Illegally

    One of the things that WF really changed in me was going from just being afraid of the police to actively hating them as a general rule. As the Public Defender's Office spokesperson explains, "[Tillotson] told the interrogating officer that she was...
  12. potentialeight

    Other Windows Management Programs for Windows?

    I used to just use AHK scripts for this sort of thing, but I found a program today that is working out a lot easier. It's called WinSplit Revolution, and while the "official" site isn't around anymore, there's still a download available at WinSplit Revolution - Free download and software reviews...
  13. potentialeight

    Helping a Friend Get Started on oDesk/Elance

    The closest person I'll ever have to a daughter is fairly skilled both musically and in the realm of drawing shit. She's the most reliable teenage girl I have ever seen in my life, and she's been working very hard to get better at shit in both the music and drawing shit departments. (A lot of...
  14. potentialeight

    IFTTT is Too Fucking Sweet

    I learned about IFTTT somewhere on WickedFire that I can't find now, and it's ridiculously awesome. I haven't even really got to play with it that much yet, but goddamn. I'm using HootSuite to schedule posts on Twitter and then IFTTT posts them to everything else. I also have a pretty old phone...
  15. potentialeight

    Bill Cosby Allegations

    Disclaimer: I am not a fan of Bill Cosby and do not think he is particularly funny. This whole situation with all of these women coming out at opportune times to accuse Cosby of the exact same thing they heard other women accuse him of is a bit irritating. If so many women were raped/sexually...
  16. potentialeight

    Band Names in Domain Names?

    Quick question about something I know jack shit about. When it comes to websites about bands (news, show dates, etc.), can you use the name of the band in the domain, or can they jack your shit if you do that? If you can't use the full name of the band (which I'm suspecting you can't), then how...
  17. potentialeight

    cool shit about ovulation

    So this one slightly fucked with me at first, but I guess it makes sense. From: Seven Facts Every Man Should Know About Ovulation | The Super Redneck
  18. potentialeight

    Automating Pinterest Accounts

    After reading this thread, I've started using iMacros to put together an automated Pinterest setup I've affectionately named "Bitch Magnet 5000" with the goal of building Pinterest accounts with lots of followers. I'm looking for comments, suggestions and ideas since I don't have much...
  19. potentialeight

    Advice on My Ghetto SEO Plan

    I don't really know jack shit about SEO, and I'm looking to start learning because even though I'm making okay money, I don't want to be writing content for the rest of my life. I did some reading for a day or two, and now I'm starting to do some shit so I don't just end up reading for weeks...
  20. potentialeight

    Recommend Me a Tablet

    I'm looking for a tablet for fucking off around the house, reading books, checking my email, shit like that where I don't really want to drag my laptop all over with me. Reading books on my laptop is a pain in the ass anyway. I might do some minor text editing on it, but that's about it. I'd...