Search results

  1. C

    Need help and advice - counter strategy.

    So I'm doing a random google on my own name and a public domain photo of me provided by my local constable is on page 1 of the google page. I kinda flipped out about it, but the event happened 5 years ago and I've since addressed the problem that led to the event. So I visit the site, fill out...
  2. C

    The perfect computing device is .. .

    the iPad 2. Small, light, great resolution, and I mean great. For light computing, keeping lists, checking and answering email, browsing, stretch applications out there for functionality, great form factor that goes anywhere with you, super battery life, and yes, . . . the apple experience...
  3. C

    Black Keys/White Stripes

    I thought blues/rock was dead... Guess I was wrong. If you are a fan of blues/blues rock, you owe it to yourself to check out these bands. Supa Bad Ass. enjoy
  4. C

    Obama Recession?

    haha, - watching Fox News - this stuff is great. "China selling bonds is Obama's fault. We need to show our strength to the world." - We are not strong in the world economy. Rome is fucking burning you fools, and the current president had jack shit to do with it. "Republican's should step...
  5. C

    TSA Body Scanners

    Why aren't people more pissed off at the installation of these body scanners? Enough is enough. It sure is odd that they are going to install hundreds or thousands of these things 3 months after some guy failed to blow up a plane with his butt cream.
  6. C

    Female Teacher Turns to Porn After Being Fired for Bikine

    :D Fresh from Digg . . . Yummy A Florida biology teacher fired after posing for racy pictures has landed a new career – in pornography. Tiffany Shepherd, 31, made headlines in April after bikini-clad pictures of her on a fishing charter got her canned from Port St. Lucie High School. She...
  7. C

    Anyone done EEE PC and OS X here?

    Am thinking of getting one for my kid's birthday . . any thoughts or tips?
  8. C

    CDS - Collateral Call - AIG

    Thought this was a good explanation of the recent bailout's going on with AIG and some of the recent threads. Collateral calls on Vimeo
  9. C

    Staples instead of stitches?

    Just saw a guy shot up on the news . . Picture of his leg full of metal staples . . Are they cheaper? Seems like they'd have huge scars.
  10. C

    BSG Finale - Kicked ASS!

    Wow That was f'ing awesome. What a great, intelligent way to finish up the series. Lots of action, lots to think about, a couple loose ends for follow up stories. Could be the three fosters in me, but great end to a great series . . . So say we all!
  11. C

    Fresh from Digg - Kid Colors Dog

    I never thought about fur as a canvas .. . maybe the kid is on to something . . 2009-03-14_2120
  12. C

    Jon Stewart v. Jim Cramer

    pwned . . . Although part of me thinks Cramer backing down is just to avoid the witch hunt, or to avoid being lumped in with the witches that stole the money. Either way - I think we're going to see more of this in the near future - realization by most people that the fix is in and there must...
  13. C

    And then the fight started . . . good for a laugh.

    Friends - I got these email for a laugh when needed, you can also laugh if you wish. Good Luck Bros <snip> My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, 'What's on TV?' I said, 'Dust.' And then the fight started...
  14. C

    BSG - New Episode

    What the hell was that? This is why I hate serial shows on TV - have to wait until next time and nothing makes sense . . damn them for making a show semi-interesting. Anyone else scratching their head? Back to books . . .
  15. C

    Latest from Matt Cutts

    Guess using tax deferred keywords is out . . Talk about an extreme example tho . . . it seems this guy is almost as careful as Bernanke when broaching this topic. Don't give too much away or word things a certain way . . .can't blame them - it is a money machine . . Anyway, thought it was...
  16. C

    Article Writing Available - One Free For First 5 Customers

    Am offering article writing services to WickedFire members exclusively. If you want well-written, 100% original articles, blog posts, etc for your marketing efforts, read on. In the spirit of Wicked Fire, I am offering three articles below to do with what you will - these are also examples of...
  17. C

    Why I Fire My Secretary . . .

    Repost from Digg, but funny nonetheless . . Why I fired by secretary today
  18. C

    Need Wordpress Theme from existing CSS site

    Need someone to make a wordpress theme out of already designed html/css site. PM for details.
  19. C

    Need Wordpress Theme from existing CSS site

    Need someone to make a wordpress theme out of already designed html/css site. PM for details.
  20. C

    Best Ecommerce Package

    all - I've got a few clients (plus myself) looking to host cheap and easy ecommerce packages. So my definition of "Best" is: besides cheap and easy, is something that's easy to modify template wise, has decent cart capabilities, hooks up to a few different payment gateways, and works on the...