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  1. onigen

    Top ISPs Agree to Become Copyright Cops

    Top ISPs agree to become copyright cops | Media Maverick - CNET News
  2. onigen

    lol citibank lol

    How Hackers Stole 200,000+ Citi Accounts Just By Changing Numbers In The URL - The Consumerist "So if the URL was something like, all you had to do was change it to and you had access to all of their account information."
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    U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms

    U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms - Larry Bell - The Bell Tells for You - Forbes
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    U.S. To Introduce Draconian Anti-Piracy Censorship Bill
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    Obama administration floats plan to Tax Cars by the Mile

    Obama administration floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile - The Hill's Floor Action
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    Democrat Senator to introduce Internet Sales Tax Bill

    Democratic senator wants Internet sales taxes | Privacy Inc. - CNET News "Dick Durbin of Illinois, the second most senior Senate Democrat, will introduce the bill after the Easter recess, a Democratic aide told CNET."
  7. onigen

    Samsung installs Keylogger on its Laptop Computers
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    Happy Birthday ObamaCare

    Happy Birthday, Obamacare - Avik Roy - The Apothecary - Forbes
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    Obama "IP czar" wants felony charges for illegal Web streaming

    Obama "IP czar" wants felony charges for illegal Web streaming and more
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    UFC Buys Strikeforce

    UFC purchases Strikeforce; UFC boss says organizations to operate independently |
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    Forbes' 2011 Billionaires List

    The World's Billionaires 2011 - can filter by industry / country / state
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    Top Most Vulnerable Applications and Operating Systems in 2010
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    California Democrats trying to pass an “Amazon tax”

    Amazon Tax Rears its Ugly Head in California Once Again
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    Obama Plans to Create Internet ID for All Americans

    Obama to hand Commerce Dept. authority over cybersecurity ID | Privacy Inc. - CNET News