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    Wordpress Install Local vs Live Dev

    I've been doing my Wordpress development on a local xampp install. I've got a desktop and a laptop so I am working at different places and it is a pain to only have my sites in one place. I am wondering if throwing my site online and locking it down is an ok option. If so what's the best...
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    how to find CPC prices for keywords?

    I need a hand, I have looked for info on finding CPC prices for my keywords/categories with little luck. I started a test adgroup in adwords and threw some keywords in there and the best info I found was 'mortgage' is a $3 bid to show up on the first page. I realize some of these keywords are...
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    Hostgator reseller benefits?

    I am following this thread here: It is mentioned to used a host gator reseller account for hosting. I currently have an unlimited shared plan through dreamhost that has never done me wrong. Any benefits to the reseller hosting with this plan...
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    Adsense + Amazon Affiliate Links = Conflict?

    Any issues displaying both of these on the same site/pages?
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    when to switch from shared to vps

    I recently switched my account at dreamhost over from a shared account to a vps. I pay more than twice as much but still not too bad. I want to know if i blew my load too soon. What are the keys that make it appropriate to switch from shared to a vps? Maybe too general a question, if it is...