Search results

  1. TLott

    Familiar stock photo on billboard...

    On vacation in Ireland and saw this billboard on the side of the road. Had to pull over. got a kick out of it
  2. TLott

    Smart Mop - shamwow rip off

    heh YouTube - Smart Mop Commercial - Drink Your Spilled Soda Off the Floor
  3. TLott

    Google Placement Performance Report broken?

    Is anyone else having trouble creating Adwords Placement Performance reports? The same report that worked the other day is generating blank results today! Trying to figure out if this is just me or not. I am very flummoxed.
  4. TLott

    Sedo parked domain producing conversions - bidding higher on it?

    I am advertising on Adwords + the content network. There is a Sedo parked domain that is showing my ads at varying positions whose clicks are producing extremely high conversion rates for me. Is the positioning on Sedo parked domains simply a function of bid amount on the Google content...
  5. TLott

    AdWords Editor 5 Released

    AdWords Editor A few useful upgrades: