Search results

  1. Vcize

    Redirect users without transferring penalty

    I've got a site that's been penalized, but not SEO'd heavily enough that it's worth trying to dig out rather than just starting over on a new domain. The only problem is that there is already some type-in traffic and non-digital advertising directing users to the original domain. Is there a...
  2. Vcize

    Some guy is pwning my fan page on facebook

    I had a guy doing some posting on some of my facebook fan pages for me, drumming up interest, etc. I had set him as a content creator for the page. He started pimping a competitor site on my page, so I had to let him go. I removed him from a content creator on the page, but he's still posting...
  3. Vcize

    Youtube videos on facebook as links, not embeds

    Anyone know how to do this shit? I want these people to be staring at my giant subscribe button when they watch my videos, not watching some little window embedded in their facebook feed. If you don't know what I'm talking about... When posting a link to a youtube video on my facebook fan...
  4. Vcize

    Did I do this 301 redirect correctly?

    Somehow, as simple as it is, I always manage to screw up 301 redirects beyond the simplest of things. I've been studying up a bit more on mod rewrite lately, and just moved over a new site. Can anyone verify that I've done this correctly? The goals: move to...
  5. Vcize

    Is this domain penalized?

    I'm talking with the owner of about purchasing the domain for a for-fun site. He claims that the domain is not penalized, however I have my doubts. It has about 7,000 links, lots of which are foreign links and even a few from adult sites. It does not appear to be indexed in google...
  6. Vcize

    What "likes" mod does this forum use?

    It's pretty sexy. I want to use it on some of my VB3 forums but there are like 100 of them out there. Which one is the one being used here?
  7. Vcize

    How beefy of a dedicated server do I need?

    It looks like the time has finally come to upgrade from my fleet of VPS's to a dedicated server for a few of my sites. I've been looking at places like liquidweb and inmotion, but always get stuck on the same thing. Just how beefy of a server do I need? Typically I get around 15,000 unique...
  8. Vcize

    Purchasing a it penalized?

    I've recently decided to dive into a new niche. Rather than build a site from scratch and have to be uber slow and careful with it for the first 10 months, I'm going to experiment with buying an already established site in the same niche and replacing the site with my own. For the sake of this...
  9. Vcize

    Mixing Wordpress and Landing Pages

    I'm wondering how people typically work their sites that have landing pages, but also have articles, etc. In this case, I have a loans website that is currently a wordpress blog. I want to start capturing leads instead of just running adsense, so I'd like to put up a landing page to capture...
  10. Vcize

    Starting an much to put in initial fund?

    I started really getting into internet marketing about 8 months ago. I'm about at the point where I'm ready to give up my full time job and do this full time. I've made around $60k profits this year and am trying to figure out how that will factor into everything. I'm long overdue in setting...
  11. Vcize

    Does an "adult" word in domain negative affect SEO?

    A website I'm starting up has to do with people that move from one niche to another within a particular subject. Would using the word "slut" in the domain name negative affect SEO in any way, or make google think it's an adult site? For instance would be a site about people...
  12. Vcize

    What kind of server do I need for a large forum?

    I recently started up a forum (don't worry, not a gay webmaster forum) that seems to be catching on pretty quickly. It just launched a few days ago and we've already got 2,000 posts and 600 members, and it's about a product that hasn't even been announced yet. I spend most of my time with SEO...
  13. Vcize

    Tool for checking particular links to your site

    In addition to organic traffic, I've also started branching out with some paid ads, etc on many of my sites. It's become a PITA to monitor all these links manually and make sure that, 3 months later, that site that I paid for a year of advertising on still has my link up. Is there a tool out...
  14. Vcize

    Weird .htaccess issue

    I was attempting to set up a simple 301 redirect from to I created an .htaccess file with the below code, and uploaded it to RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^iakow\.com RewriteRule (.*)$1...
  15. Vcize

    Buyer Backed out on Flippa during escrow, what are my rights?

    I recently sold a website on Flippa. It was my first experience both with flippa and with After delivering the goods to the buyer, has a 7 day "inspection period". I had never heard of this before. During this period, the buyer decided that the time it took to maintain...
  16. Vcize

    NameJet can put reserves on expiring auctions?

    So I've tried to grab a couple expiring domains on NameJet recently, and noticed a "bidder" by the name of NameJet Reserve. I did some looking around, and as expected this is actually a reserve price on the auction. It turns out that these are pre-release domains that are owned by individuals...
  17. Vcize

    phpmyadmin export is way too small

    I am attempting to export my 191mb database via phpmyadmin. I've done this many times before, and the exported .sql file always comes out to around the same size as the database. Now, when I do it, my exported .sql file is a mere 17mb. I am not using any compression. Any idea why this is...
  18. Vcize

    Aged 10 years. Would work for an xxx site or a dating site.
  19. Vcize

    Where did WickedFire come from?

    I just stumbled onto WickedFire a couple months ago, and was excited to finally be able to avoid all the "Buy my super awesome ebook to dominate the internet" of a certain other IM forum out there, and all the "i have good help rank you now" of yet another. Finally, a place where internet...
  20. Vcize

    IM and taxes. Register as a business?

    This is my first year in internet marketing, so I still haven't been through a tax season with all this web stuff I've done. All this internet marketing stuff is just a side-job/hobby for me. I work full-time. However, unlike my ebay side-business, it adsense, cj, amazon, require tax...