Search results

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    ShoeMoney Case Study #1

    First off, if you want to bash shoemoney with nothing to add as far as how you would do what he suggests differently...go to STS and post in one of the 97 threads there. Get out of my thread now. I don't read SM's blog, so I went there tonight and chose the case study based on the "Most...
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    Best of the Web sumission, anyone have this problem?

    I submitted my site to BOTW. They chose to put it in a category of chats and forums. I don't want it there and I'd rather not be listed at all if that's where they put it. My site currently gets over 150,000 uniques a month, with over 600,000 page views, the forum isn't counted in that total...
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    What the hell??? Someone shoot guru guy

    First page of new posts is him responding to old posts. Weiner.
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    The reason for the page not found error is...
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    Can't post with Explorer

    So , the page not found errors are staying. And even if I pay, which I was planning to if the software to access what I'm paying for is fixed, I have to change my browser to be able to post. Why is that?
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    Atlas Shrugged - anyone here read it?

    I've been reading it in every spare minute I've had the past two days and I'm only halfway through it. It's taking me forever to read because I keep re-reading parts. It's amazing.
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    *page not found*
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    Speaking of scat

    I've seen normal everyday terms used to optimize porn websites. I had a Google Alert today for something (not porn) and when I clicked on the website it was a porn site. They optimized for something completely different, and they get their traffic any way they can. This isn't the first time I've...
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    Why Wickedfire sucks

    For anyone who has said that Wickedfire sucks, I agree. I used to be pretty content...working my one main site and making pretty decent money. Then I came to WF. Now I work like a dog, and haven't had any free time lately. It's all because I've been implementing some of the ideas here. I...
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    If you had to make a choice

    Would you rather end up on a site where everyone else is older than you or younger than you? In this hypothetical, no one is really your own age on either site but they are all your same gender.
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    When you need solid business advice

    When you need solid business advice from someone who won't benefit from their advice to you, where do you go? A person or a resource? Or both? How do you make the big decisions/choices?
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    Somewhere in this forum someone posted something like this

    I think it was Eli, but after a half hour of searching I give up. Does anyone remember a post saying something to the effect of "get wordpress blogs and blogspot blogs and link from them" ? AND...if you do remember it, who wrote it? AND...if you really care, I want to know this answer ...
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    It's Wednesday, what is the biggest thing you did for your business this week?

    I created a 60 day plan for promotion and content additions. I have to have a list, a plan to work with. It makes me more productive.
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    Big Sites Rule Small Sites Drool?

    According to one school of thought, big sites are the way to go for real money on the internet. I agree 100% on this. Having a big site does ensure long term stability and staying power, and it does open doors with advertising that isn't available to small sites. Small sites may make a quick...
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    Because I feel for lazy people, here ya go - my keywords

    Go for it. Some of you freeloading whiners asked for keywords, you got them. If they aren't sexy enough, or cool enough, or whatever....don't even post your whining in here. Here are some of the keywords I use to monetize for one of my sites. I have plenty of other ones, it's called...
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    What did you do today to build your business?

    Did you? If you did, what did you do? I put up 10 SEOed (to death) content pages, and monetized all of them. I did some link building and started a plan for two more niches.
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    Is there a problem with Copeac banners?

    I added Copeac Links and banners to pages on my site. They were working fine yesterday. Today, the banner shows up as a red x and both the banner and the links go to an error page if I click on them (they are cpa offers, not ppc). I'm new to Copeac, and I don't know if I'm doing something...
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    Endorsing products as an affiliate marketer

    Where is the line between marketer and liar?
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    Quality Score ?

    I just activated my adwords account and have it up and running. I have 20 keyword phrases. Of those 20, 8 have a great quality score and the other 12 have an OK quality score. Do I just let this go or should I change out some of the OK phrases?
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    PPC Keywords - how many to start?

    I am just starting affiliate marketing, and I'm working on keywords in adwords. I have 20 phrases, which I am breaking down into lists of 20 related phrases for each one. My total keyword list is 400. Should I plug all 400 phrases into google at once? Throw it all at the wall and see what...