Search results

  1. D

    .INFO domain clearance!!

    I`m clearing out my registerfly portfolio.All domains must go! Prices and expiry date listed. Some nice keyword domains here,excellent for some arbitrage or affiliate sites. All domains registered on registerfly. $10 2007-09-13 $10 2007-05-02 $10...
  2. D URL Shortener and Redirection site

    I am offering for sale the URL redirection service at The site is running on milliscripts redirection script. I have this site setup so that whenever there is a new signup, I get a notice in my email so I can approve it.You can always set this to be automatically approved in the...
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    Does CJ have any customer support?

    I sent an email a couple of weeks ago to Commision Junction and to a program asking about some non-working links that were leading to a 404 error. I still haven´t received a reply.Nice. :boid:
  4. D

    How to prevent accidental clicks on your own adsense ads

    I was just getting an arbitrage site ready and with all the testing I was doing I accidentally clicked an ad.It showed up in my account but as a $0 click. I also noticed that with all the reloading of the page I artificially inflated my impression dramatically. I went searching for a solution to...
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    A couple of cool utilities I found

    Just thought I should share this couple of very useful utilities I found today: -Workrave : Nice utility to alert you when you should take a break from the computer.I recently started getting some back pains and a bit of swimming helped.I´m gonna use this program to alert me when I should take...
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    My first arbitrage test

    I´ve been staying away from doing arbitrage sites for some time now but I recently decided to give it a shot, so this is my first arbitrage site, so go easy on me :) : I´ve left some of the adsense ads that had nothing to do with my niche so you can see what they actually look like on the...
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    I can´t believe my luck...

    After I spent about a month without broadband and having to go online using dial-up I finally got a new cable ISP and I´m getting some new projects going and now my laptop´s hard drive dies! I´m using an oooold (pentium MMX 233mhz anyone?) computer with a bad monitor that looks pink and very...
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    Question about promoting affiliate programs

    Hello, I have been promoting adult sites for some time now and I`m just starting to try some mainstream affiliate programs. I`ve been promoting adult using blogs,galleries,etc. My question is: how do you promote a mainstream product?? (Other than just using PPC) Say for example I`ve found a...
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    Check out these marketing videos

    I usually treat these marketing sites with a lot of suspicion but these guys have posted a couple of videos where I`ve found many useful tips as well as learnt some stuff I wouldn`t have thought of aplying myself.I don`t know if their claims as to the money they are making are true but I really...
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    $.75 .info domains at registerfly right now

    Subject says it all...I already registered my domains so I thought I should let you all know :evil_laughter: Go get those .infos...
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    Anyone bought this sitemap script?

    I have been looking for a sitemap generator script. I`ve tried a bunch of them but can`t seem to get them to work right. I tried some desktop software but I`d really rather have a server side solution that can work with cron,etc. I tried the free version at and it...
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    Back to dial-up

    I can`t believe this...just when I`m finally starting to get some good sites going and I`m actually starting to see some results I get my DSL connection cut off by my ISP because I owe them around $1000 !! Apparently, for some reason they can`t seem to explain they stopped charging my credit...