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  1. J

    I like to read but WTF ?

    "Fuck Me, Ray Bradbury" is the best scifi pop song of the year
  2. J

    How the F do CPC turn into real sales in an afordable rate !!

    :angryfire: Some little Jerkoff from Google just called me. He wanted to give a little song and dance about CPCs and picking better keywords. His whole schpeal was the higher price keywords have 10 to 20 % action rate. That all fine and dandy but my business has between a 10 and 20% close...
  3. J

    Joomla or Wordpress ?

    Oh All Mighty Web Gods. Joomla or Wordpress, but most importantly Why ?
  4. J

    First Post, BOOB and a Question

    Hello out there in TV Land, First I and foremost I bow before the readers. I offer boobs and ask a question. I found this site looking for a way to export name and number from yellow The thread was over a year old so i could not ask questions. Are there any tools for screen...