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    Conversion Rate Optimization - Get More Sales without Extra Traffic

    DISCLAIMER: I would not recommend this service to anyone who is doing under $1,000/mo or so in revenue on their website. The more traffic/sales you are getting, the more you will get out of this service. Why optimize your landing pages? If you are doing 50k/year on a landing page, and we raise...
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    Landing Page Optimization: Why Most Visitors Don't Convert & How to Optimize

    Here's a guide copy-pasted off my blog, written by me. Hope it helps ------------------------------------------------ Landing Page Optimization: Why Most Visitors Don't Convert & How to Optimize Remember the first time you ever made a landing page, or had one made? At this time, you probably...
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    Facebook - Hiding Ads From Past Clickers/Converters

    Is it possible - to identify those that have already either clicked or converted on your offer in FB (using IP), and hide the ads from them? This would boost CTR and EPC dramatically, so I figured it's something that somebody has thought of, and has probably achieved. Ideas?