Search results

  1. E

    Would you sell for $600?

    Hey all, I had someone email me this morning offering $600 for I've written to Lord Brar but also wanted to ask you guys what would you take for this name? Is $600 good enough? Best, ez
  2. E

    Be nice... they're tits aren't they...

    º º MM:::::8888M:::::::88::::::::8:::::888888:::M:::::M º º º º 8M:::::888MM::::::::8:::::::::::M::::8888::::M::::M º º º º 8M:::::88:M::::::::::8:::::::::::M:::8888::::::M::M º º º º 8MM:::888:M:::::::::::::::::::::::M:8888:::::::::M...
  3. E

    auto eNom sub-account creator?

    Hey, I'm an eNom reseller and have been looking for a script that hook up to my account so that others can create sub-accounts under me by simply filling in their appropriate information. Do any of you guys/gals know of such a script... so that I don't have to enter everyone manually? Best, ez
  4. E

    Do you think these 3 domain names are junk undeveloped?

    Hey, I'd love to know if anyone thinks these names alone may have any salable value? I really don't want to develop them... just sell. Thanks for any comments. Best, ez
  5. E

    Domain names and trademarks etc?

    Hello, I'm not clear on what type of names a person can buy without risk, etc. For example... are names like this infringing because they contain company names? ... and so on... and...
  6. E

    How might you monetize a Job-Seeking site?

    Hey, I have a site that gets visitors who are looking for jobs but I have no ideas on how to best monetize this site. Can anyone throw me a bone or two about this? Best, ez
  7. E

    Facebook Flyer Example?

    Hey, Can someone please post a screenshot of what a facebook flyer looks like. I've read through both threads about this and I've looked all over facebook, but I can't find and example of what the hell my flyer is going to look like when people see it. MoochoGracias! ez
  8. E

    Does a script like this exist? I'll pay for it!

    Hey, Is there a script out there that lets you track what keywords were searched for to land on your pages? Meaning... for each of my pages that get visitors, is there a way for me to track what keywords led to each specific page? And one last time... because I fear I'm not making this...
  9. E

    Tool checks top 3 SE listings for backlink count & pages indexed?

    Hi, Do any of you guys know of a tool or script that will take a list of keywords... go to Google... and check the top three sites for... number of backlinks pages indexed I currently do this manually using a Firefox plugin but I'm guessing there's a tool out there that makes this a bit more...
  10. E

    Scraper recomendations for text on web pages?

    Hey, I just spent the last hour trying to find a scraper that would extract text from websites. I found web data extractor at and downloaded the demo. Trouble is, the damn demo doesn't let me see what text it extracted. It looks like it would do a good job but why not let...
  11. E

    Don't do this.

    Hello, Last night in a drunken stooper, I was dumb enough to finally install that henway on my machine. I'm not sure if they're all crap or just the one I grabbed. My machine is totally screwed up. If anyone has theirs successfully working, can you please tell me where you downloaded it...