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    FREAK encryption flaw leaves millions of Apple & Android users exposed As if nuthugging black jeans weren't bad enough to haunt us from the 80s there's this too :(
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    BUG: Government occasionally shuts down I lol'd
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    Rand Paul supports domestic drone strikes

    and apparently that's just fine with The American Conservative and in keeping with his prior positions on the issue. Stay classy Rand. No, Rand Paul Didn’t Just Switch His Position on Drones | The American Conservative Rand Paul Shockingly Now Supports The Use Of Drones On US Soil To Kill...
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    Somebody picked the wrong girl

    Nice ad by Glock: Somebody Picked the Wrong Girl - YouTube Nice choice of actress..
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    Dave Brubeck takes the A Train

    Via con dios Dave Brubeck dead at 91 - Chicago Tribune Blue Rondo A La Turk - Dave Brubeck - - YouTube Dave Brubeck - Take Five - YouTube Dave Brubeck - Take The 'A' Train - 1966 - YouTube
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    I thought I was decent at typing

    Turns out I'm only decent at typing text. Code not so much. That is all.
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    Art - paintings, prints, etchings, photography, etc.

    Anyone into displaying art? I don't collect original$ but I do have a lot of framed prints. Every year I try to add one or two new pieces, been itching for some new stuff lately. Always looking for new paintings, artists, etc. Any recommendations? Some of my favorites: Lyonel Feininger...
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    FYI lines being drawn, potentially big changes in world monetary & trade relations

    FYI lines being drawn, potentially big changes in world monetary & trade relations tldr: a bunch of countries might get shut out of the dollar as soon as this summer and maybe even build an IMF of their own while the US shoots itself in the foot and quickens its own destruction If you haven't...
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    Total eclipse of the moon Saturday 12.10.11

    Posting this now or I'll forget later Total Eclipse of the Moon - NASA Science
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    Hacker demonstrates vulnerability of public utility networks

    Pretty sketchy. This just happened a couple days ago too, a hack took out a water pump: Illinois Water Utility Pump Destroyed After Hack | News & Opinion | There's been a lot of flap about the potential for this kind of thing to happen. He makes it sound like it's not too hard...
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    Benneton ads with world leaders kissing

    They've already pulled the one with the pope lolz Campaign Paramount Leader of the People?s Republic of China - President of the USA ? Unhate Foundation
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    Client work rev share as payment

    Looking for advice on this. A satisfied client of mine is starting a new thing and offered 20% of revenues rather than ongoing payment. It's SEO, writing, online networking. It seems like a good gig because it's potentially a 2-3k/week site in a low/mid competition market that I've already...
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    "The governments don't rule the world. Goldman Sachs rules the world."

    A trader lays shit out proper. Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash - YouTube Something to contextualize the role of governments at the moment.
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    Awesome book -> 80s + Video Games + Sci-Fi = Ready Player One

    Just finished it. It's fucking excellent. You really need to read this book if you (any of these apply) remember any of the 80s or appreciate 80s culture ever owned or used a product made by atari, commodore, or tandy like playing video games, especially mmo used to blow king cash at...
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    Oregon Congress rick roll

    Oregon, you are officially the coolest state in the union. A bipartisan group of legislators won't give up on Oregon - YouTube
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    SEO PowerSuite 63% off til August 2

    It's at 149 & 399 instead of 399 and 999. And that's all I have to say about that. edit: this post would be way better with boobs but I'm currently in a nsfw environment.
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    You know that no man's land between your nutsack and your pooper

    Turns out the length of that area is a good indication of male fertility. "New research suggests that measuring a man’s “anogenital distance,” or AGD, is a fast, low-tech, relatively accurate method of getting an idea of the quality of a man’s sperm." If she wants to measure you, it might not...
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    quick IO terms question

    While doing any business with them, and for six months thereafter, the publisher cannot "directly or indirectly, enter into any business relationship or agreement with any [network] Advertiser or an agent thereof..." In other words I cannot go direct with any offer on their network for six...
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    Manscaping - what do you use to trim up downstairs

    I go for the trim, not the shave - too itchy and too high maintenance. Only exception was for a girl I was with for a while who liked the shave. My old trimmer is dying and I figure since this is the gay webmaster forum I'd ask for recommends in this safe and open environment.
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    Geologist with earthquake prediction history warns of potential North American quake

    jim berkland - Google News His idea is that the Ring of Fire around the Pacific has been firing off in a pattern that started with South America (Chile), then recently looped over to New Zealand, then up to Japan, and if it continues it will loop back over to the West coast of North America to...