Search results

  1. E

    Network Demanding I Show Referrers? Says ALL networks require it.

    Quick question for everyone here. "Unique Leads" has written me saying that I MUST show my referrers and cannot use ANY masking. Furthermore, the AM says that every network she works with (over 700 accounts to be exact) requires that she shows the referring URL when sending traffic. She also...
  2. E

    Message from an AM. Decode?

    Received this message from an AM. It took me at least 3 reads to understand some of the content: "How are you going now? This is XXXX.Haven't contacted you for so long.I notice that you made little money in these days.Why is that?i'm worry about this.Is it possible to ramp the volumes so...
  3. E

    Need a CPA in CA!

    Anyone have a really good CPA in California that can be aggressive with write-off's that knows the affiliate marketing industry? Tired of dealing with CPAs that have no idea what to write off and just fucking me on my taxes. Already have a bookeeper, just need someone to do my taxes and advise...
  4. E

    EDU Offer that will take Phone Verified Leads?

    Just curious to see if anyone knows an EDU portal that will take call center leads (generated from within the US). I am direct with a few different EDU aggregators and am currently live transferring to them - but I'm looking for more that will allow me to post without having to transfer (or...
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    WTB: Leads for EDU and Senior

    Looking to purchase leads in the EDU and Senior niche. PM me to get in touch.
  6. E

    LFM down?

    Been down all day.. Not good
  7. E

    Direct Zip/Email Freebie Submits?

    Does anyone know where the MyRewardsVault zip/email submits are direct from? I found the ones for WinHundred and the ClaimFreeRewards, but I can't seem to go direct with these guys. Anyone know
  8. E

    How do you guys manage what you're owed?

    Simple question. How do you manage which networks owe you money and how do you keep track of it? Simple Excel sheet or a full blown Quickbooks database. I've been using an Excel sheet but it's not as efficient as I'd like. I need the ability to send out invoices and remind networks when...
  9. E

    TagJunction Spam?

    Got the same message from this broad twice. Anyone else getting spammed by this network? I think they're a foreign company because when I replied, it was definitely broken English. Here's the message I got: GREETINGS FOR THE DAY!!! My name is Sharon I am Sr. Business Development Manager from...
  10. E

    High School EDU Traffic Offers?

    Anyone know of any offers that accept leads that are still in HS. As far as I know, I haven't found any that don't require a GED or an HS degree. I'm currently running the others and I know that lots of traffic is getting turned away b/c of the graduation year.
  11. E

    Best way to promote zip/email submits and reduce scrub?

    What's the best way to promote these kind of offers. I heard that you should be rotating them every 2-3 days, but what about the scrub that happens when your starting to promo? Anyone have experience with this? I just switched out my offers and its a pain b/c it takes some time to ramp up...
  12. E

    LLC via Incaroo?

    Anyone create an LLC in NV via Incaroo? I paid them last week and have tried to get in touch with them to see what information they needed, but got no response via e-mail and phone. Anyone else file an LLC or Corp with them?
  13. E

    AdJuice.. Stiffed me $2K

    Not going to cry about it b/c I'm sure most of you got screwed for more, but was running a debt consolidation campaign with them last month and even had the network verify the quality of leads next day. Comes down a month later and they didn't convert them so now they're stiffing me. Really...
  14. E

    Small plug for EWA!

    Just wanted to give a :thumbsup:to EWA. I started at this network maybe a week ago and was immediately contacted by Jared and this guy has been NOTHING but helpful. I'm seriously shocked at the amount of service and help these guys provide. On top of that, my campaigns have never had been...