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  1. lazar

    UK Dating Offers?

    Anyone know any decent dating offers that accept UK traffic? Mate1 converts horrible for me and I got the boot from amateur match on a network just now and it was doing well. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. lazar

    Calling out [R]Devore - Cre8tiv Visions

    So about a month and a few days after I commission him to do a site for me, I still don't have the site. I was told it would be done in 48 hours, definitely not. I kept giving the guy chance after chance, which I probably shouldn't have done, and I got the standard "I'll have it for you tomorrow...
  3. lazar

    Crazy Multi Car Crash Vid

    This street was iced over in portland and none of these poor bastards could stop. Some hard hits in here. The first car can't stop for a long time, it's pretty crazy. YouTube - Ice is Dangerous, even in Portland
  4. lazar

    Infared Fart

    My friend just sent me this. I don't know if it's real or not but either way it's pretty funny. Looks like the guy has an octopus in his ass shooting black ink out. Don't worry, it's safe for work. YouTube - Fart Filmed in Infared
  5. lazar

    Telemarketer prank

    I don't think this has been posted before. Pretty funny though.
  6. lazar

    Good business story This guy is local to me, and I've been watching his company grow since it started. He basically took off in the past two years, and he's pretty successful now. It was pretty interesting to read about the stuff he did to get to where he is. Meh, you guys might...
  7. lazar

    Google Adsense Secrets ebook download

    Came across this earlier and thought some of you might be interested in it. I haven't read it yet but I'll get around to it soon enough.
  8. lazar

    Fun Prank Call App

    I came across this today. Basically, you enter the number you want to call, then a random number to show up on the caller id along with a random name. Then choose the voice and what you want to say. It's fun to mess around with. When you call a number with...
  9. lazar

    Rant time - goddamn theives

    This is quite the story, at least I think, to say the least. About two months ago, my girlfriend's house was robbed. In broad daylight, at about 9-10 am in the morning. The kicker is that we were at her college graduation, shitty thing to come home to huh? But in any event, with the robbery...