Search results

  1. jerxs

    Silver Stripe CMS Looks Really Great! Check It Out

    I just stumbled upon an open source CMS I have never heard of before. The CMS is named Silver Stripe, so I had to install it on a server and play around with it a bit.... Ive only been fiddling with it for an hour or so now and so far it seems really great. A bit on the slow side, but seems...
  2. jerxs

    Best Ubuntu / Linux Laptops?

    Time to buy another laptop, the last two or three I bought I had a hell of a time getting Ubuntu or any linux distro for that matter to run respectably. Anyone suggest any desktop replacement laptops that will run Ubuntu seamlessly? First hand experience? Thanks, Jer
  3. jerxs

    Need developer, API Script

    I am looking for a developer who can write a seamless API script to be worked into Wordpress posts. Script will fetch products by keyword, parse and display. Has to be fully automated, using keyword striped from post title or something similar or effective....... If interested lets...
  4. jerxs

    Looking For Content Author, 87, 300 to 400 Word Posts

    Im looking for a individual to write 87 three to four hundred word product descriptions / opinion for one of my projects. Each needs to be optimised for product being described. You need to have some idea of how to optimise web content using various keywords related to product. Each needs to...
  5. jerxs

    Ticket affiliate progs with RSS feeds

    I am looking for an affiliate prog that one sells tickets and also provides their affiliates with rss feeds to specific city events. Ive looked into a few larger advertisers, though none offer feeds to their affiliates. I feel like I am almost being forced to use Ebays affiliate prog fopr this...
  6. jerxs

    PHP type calculator????

    I started contracting CATV, VOIP installations and am getting paid by the job, or better yet by action per job. So if in one job I run a new line from a pole to a home that is $XX amount, a new line from the house into the house is $XX amount, installing the modem or whatever is $xx amount...
  7. jerxs

    Quin Street, Inc

    Has anyone had any dealing with this company in the mortgage and loan vertical and if so let me in on your experience with them? Thanks, jer
  8. jerxs

    Viral Video, Where Is It Going?

    Viral video and video sites such as daily motion, youtube and google video have been really hot in the past years or so, but how long do you think this trend will last? Do you think viral video and the fad of uploading and sharing will continue to grow, or do you think it is going to level off...
  9. jerxs

    Free Proxy To Log Into Hotmail?

    Anyone know of a free proxy that can be used to log into Hotmail? Ive tried as many as I could find and nothing, if trying to log in through a proxy I get email and password not valid, blahh, blahhh, blahhhh... Thanks Jer.....
  10. jerxs

    Validation Help

    In the past I have not considered and even frowned upon validating any of my sites. Though recently I have been presented with a really great opportunity, which requires me to present 3 validated sites which I have designed, so here it goes, Im trying to validate #1, and have it validated for...
  11. jerxs

    Auto Form and Posting Script

    Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I need some tutorials on building a PHP auto searching, filling and posting script. I really know shit about PHP, just what I have learned from hacking up WP and PHPbb. Anyone that follows the bluehat SEO blog will remember a post about finding...
  12. jerxs

    Trading Good Domain, Pr4 "was 5," with design and some content for decent fishing or.

    Trading Good Domain, Pr4 "was 5," with design and some content for decent fishing or. Outdoors domain, If you own a good fishing or outdoor related domain that has been aged a bit, PR doesnt matter contact me if interested. The site and domain I am willing to trade off for th eright domain is...
  13. jerxs

    I am selling a couple sites, how to decide what each is worth?

    I have a couple sites that I have built up nicely, that are receiving a decent bit of traffic, for niche based content sites. Anyway I want to sell a couple of these sites because Ive just lost interest in them. The one site that I am selling is the first site I build, because of this its in...
  14. jerxs, How The Fuck Do You Get a Site Approved?

    I signed up with to sell some link space on one of my sites, the site gets close to 100,000 uniques per month though it was declined. Its not a BH site its totally WH and has totally unique content. What the fuck? I see sites selling links that get a 10th of the traffic, what...
  15. jerxs

    Free Links (Fishing & Outdoors)

    I am looking for a few things here, I made a short post prematurely a few days ago and really didnt go into detail, but I will try to clear some things up here for anyone that may be interested and for any webmasters that may own a network of fishing or outdoor sites. I am looking for two...
  16. jerxs

    WPMU (404 Errors) in archives

    For some reason I am getting 404 errors when trying to view archives, the main archive pages work though if I click on previous posts I get the error. So basically is visible, though...
  17. jerxs

    Link Swap (Fishing Sites)

    This is not a post for a recip. link trade. If you have a fishing site you will link to the site I PM you and I will link to you from one of my other fishing sites PR 3 to PR5. PM if interested
  18. jerxs

    PepperJam Expanding It's Reach

    The rapidly growing internet marketing company PepperJam has reported that they will be stepping up their operations by partnering with the well known advertising company DoubleClick Inc. Kristopher Jones said; by adopting DoubleClick's DART platform will allow for PepperJam to serve clients of...
  19. jerxs

    Securing A writable directory {Gallery2}

    I just had one of the sites I was developing hacked and at first I was pointing the finger at MPMU, though I am using 3 different scripts to power the site. One of the scripts is Gallery2 which I now believe was the soft spot which the hacker found and used to his advantage. In order for the...
  20. jerxs

    Fucking Turkish Hackers!

    I woke up to a hacked site this morning, check out my sig. Luckly I am still in the developmental stage and was pretty much driving the couple visitors I was getting to a affiliate landing page. I am using WPMU and was surprised to find out that this seems to be a common issue with MU.... Oh...