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  1. Reverence

    How Fast Can You Type? - Free Typing Test & Typing Games Online I haven't really put into thought on how fast I could type so when I used this site it was only like 55-60 wpm on average. Do you guys type with all 8 fingers the correct way meaning both pointer fingers start at F and J? Post screenshot...
  2. Reverence

    Another teen suicide from bullying

    1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead at own hand - Yahoo! News Fucking sad as shit. Another reason why I don't want kids. Imagine how school systems and kid's morals would be in 5-10 years. MTV would have 12 and pregnant and shit. Bullies really need to get beaten :music07::music07:
  3. Reverence

    TrafficVance down?

    Is it me or is trafficvance down? It's been like real laggy for a few hours :(
  4. Reverence

    Facespace just launched

    FaceSpace - If Facebook and Myspace Merged - The Oatmeal you've been reverenced once again :D
  5. Reverence

    SLAYER goes to church! YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. LOLLOLOL
  6. Reverence

    What do you rank in the world? (IN RICHES)

    Saw this on yahoo. Pretty cool >_>. Global Rich List .