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    Linkshiftr Seems like a watered-down T202. Anybody care to differ?
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    lol... WTF! - The Worlds Largest Bestiality Board 776562 fuckers who like when dogs fuck 'em. Fuck me. Fuck humanity. And fuck 24 hour rebills.
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    A ? for College Graduates...

    Fucking indecision... Yeah - I'm going to college in a year with no idea what I want to study. Nothing sparks my interest. Nothing school related ever has. Suggest me a good degree, will ya? I'm looking for something interesting that could pay the bills if my affiliate marketing ventures...
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    Looking for this SEO tool...

    It would: a) create a sitemap of a website b) organize the web pages by PR Unfortunately, I can't find it anymore. Anyone care to throw me a bone? Oh, and boobs. and for the lol's
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    Clever bot is clever - a clever bot - speak to an AI with some Actual Intelligence? User: Suck your dick. Cleverbot: Don't have one. User: Are you in love with Barman? Cleverbot: I lost my virginity to him. I lol'd
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    Viva la WristOffice

    WristOffice for Your Mobile Device: Hands Free and Hands On. My friend invented a nifty product - a wrist strap that allows you to use your cellphone hands free. Good for people living in Cali, bikers, hikers, and people w/o pockets. Any ideas how to market this? I was thinking about buying...
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    Single Page Websites & SEO

    Yay or nay? I'm building a website for a lawyer in exchange for legal services. We only want to rank for 2 or 3 keywords btw.
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    Dreamweaver Alternative?

    I'm not in the mood to shell out $150 to design simple websites. Any suggestions for a free alternative?
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    Links for Lingo (Free Content!)

    What's the easiest way to get phenomenal content? Author and entrepreneur Tim Ferris preaches that the secret to business success is outsourcing. Just imagine how convenient it would be for you to delegate all of your writing needs to a capable, articulate, American writer... for FREE! I need...
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    1045 MySQL Error

    Anytime I attempt to change the permissions of any users, PHPmyadmin gives me "#1045 - Access denied for user '******'@'%' (using password: YES)". Any workarounds for this fucker? :food-smiley-010:
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    Do download offers convert only on IE?

    I was about to start pushing Zwinky until I read a post about how most downloads only convert if the user's browser is Internet Explorer. Truth?