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  1. Hustle

    Cartoon Watchers Poll

    If you like the toons please vote for your favorite out of these five. Much appreciated. Hustle
  2. Hustle

    How To Help Your Friends, Family and Community and Then Of Course Make Money From It

    ** I know my posts are long but I'm trying to help some of you who are starting to think it can't be done realize that there are a million ways it can.** I'm sure that internet money makers are just as diverse as people are in general. We come from every corner of the earth and our methods vary...
  3. Hustle

    Don't you just love it...

    ... when some retard reads your post on a forum and then comes to your blog and sees the same info and starts leaving comments accusing you of stealing the post from yourself at the forum. lol. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me.
  4. Hustle

    My Three Most Insane Marketing Strategies

    Sometimes I look through my old notebooks in search of business ideas that I might be able to tweak and recycle. I usually end up coming across some things I've tried that qualify as "fuckin' nuts". Here are three that I just had to bring up. Number One: I had a great domain to do with DUI/DWI...
  5. Hustle

    How To Be The ONLY Affiliate and Get Paid Whether You Refer The Sale or Not

    This is about to be one long ass post... But info like this don't fit on a book of matches my brothers & sisters. A while back I was looking at a massive paypal account balance that belonged to a client of mine. I was doing freelance web design at the time and I had to set up a few "Order Now"...
  6. Hustle

    Get indexed on Google within 24 hours and Get Paid to Do It

    I thought this might help some of you. ***shameless plug alert*** It was the cherry popping post on my newest blog The link is in my sig. ***plug over*** So here's the tutorial - Ok, so you've just created your new blog, mini-site or other fancy presence on the web. You've...
  7. Hustle

    Dr. House and John Holmes

    Link down now. Mods can delete if they wanna.