Search results

  1. Ajay

    new FB App to make serious AM bank

    So I came across a really interesting tool today which I think you guys will like, its called payvment, and is a shopping cart application for facebook. This app has built in affiliate product listing as well so you can list any product you want with any affiliate link you want and pimp on...
  2. Ajay

    Affili@Sydney 2010 Who's going?

    So the next Aussie shindig is set for 8th June in Sydney Looks like one of the better meetings of the year, with exclusions to the keynote speaker :p So whos going from WF? Anyone from the westcoast? Aj.
  3. Ajay

    WTS: Over 12k searches per month

    Ok guys I got to off load one of my doains, got too much on and don't want to keep looking at this domain thinking when am I going to get around to building it up. This domain will sell this weekend. Domain: cheap-suv.c0m Google US searches per month = 12,100 Get your cheap vehicle website...
  4. Ajay

    When you hit rock bottom - What a douche

    Haha check out this stooge! Pj money Why would you subject your poor family to such humiliation. I wonder if when these kids grow up they will tell their friends what their daddy does?
  5. Ajay

    C&D Advice on high income domain

    So today after over 18 months of hassel free income one of my sites that is currently making over $1k a month automously has received a C&D notice. The domain is a two word domain name (eg www. with the product being the trademarked name that is sold through my site. The site...
  6. Ajay

    Ebay to give the middle finger

    News just in, Ebay is migrating to their own affilaite program, as of 1st April Ebay will no longer partner with CJ for affiliate management, what does this mean for bans users? Damn just when i launched a new bans site which is doing very very well. Heres the email; "We are excited to...
  7. Ajay

    Google Serving up porn. WTF?

    After a doing a search for BANS (Build a niche store) i found some interesting results from the big G check it out..
  8. Ajay

    New Namcheap Coupon 4 Post Price Rise

    Gday all, for all you Namecheap lovers today is the first day of the new prices increased all .coms to $9.29. There was a coupon kicking around ROCKTOBER but that expired yesterday. As of today the coupon code "goblins" is still active and have given a reduction from $9.29 to $8.41 which is...
  9. Ajay

    Hahhahha The ?Hoff trying to eat a burger drunk!

    hoff burger hahahh check out the homepage video showing hoff trying to stuff a burger up his nose. Sad really.
  10. Ajay

    Yet another ppc keyword Tool Creator

    Gday all, if you are like me you download very keyword tool there is in hope of saving myself some time when creating new campaigns. Well just found a pretty usefull keyword phrase making software which is free and clean. Anyway guys get it here OverZone Software - PPC Keyword Generator...
  11. Ajay

    Free Subdomain Desktop Creation Software

    Since i am on my posting spree of helpfull tools i have seen over the past several months questions about mass subdomain creation. Again on a stumble I found this tool here seo tools | SEOproToolZ this desktops software allows you to create multiple sub domains for multiple uses, moreso blackhat...
  12. Ajay

    New Regional Adwords Viewer Tool!

    Gday all, stumbling my way around some interesting sites today I found this really cool tool which has saved me heaps of time. Basically if you are trying to view your adwords in other countries than your own you will no be able to view your displayed ad, until now. After using various...
  13. Ajay

    WTF I think I broke Yahoo..

    Is it just me or is yahoo broken at the mo? I just realised this cos my affiliate stats have stopped, i affiliate with some vendors who operate on a yahoo store and their site was not loading, then i tried a few other sites who run yahoo stores, all down. This is gonna cost everyone big if it...
  14. Ajay

    New Location Keyword Builder Tool

    Hi all, came across this great tool for building keyword lists based on location ie ZIP CITY etc. Link Used it bulk the past week. Much simpler than running your own script. Peace. Ajay.
  15. Ajay

    How to implment Ebay API?

    I am wanting to know how to implement an ebay feed of auctions for a new site i am building (cheap - suv dot com) an example site would be (discountshavers dot net). I am keen to get this one under way so any comments would be appreciated. Cheers. Aj.
  16. Ajay

    Viewer Email Collection Methods/Scripts?

    Just wanting to know what the best type of email collection scripts are. I would like to start a newsletter subscription to my site and need a script to do so. There are heaps out there but would prefer one that any of you guys might be using or had experience with. I don't want a paid service...
  17. Ajay

    Kowabunga / Kolimbo Networks

    Quick question on these partnered networks? Is anyone using them at the moment. They seem to have a nice user interface and a decent amount of programs with good commission structures? I refer to a comment you made Jon about the tracking they use? What were the good / bad for this? Big ups.
  18. Ajay

    SEO Tools Resources

    Gday all, Found this site today and thought it might help. here is a list of what tools are on it. Direct links are below. SEO Tools Adsense Calculator AdSense Preview Advanced Meta-Tags Alexa...
  19. Ajay + Incentive Zip Affiliate Program

    Hi all, I have for sale which partners very nicely with the new Copeac CPA $500 Free Fuel Promotion that expires in 2027. Zip entry only and payouts at $1.50 submit. This is the landing page for the entry The two combined would be a great combination...
  20. Ajay

    Bulk Keyword Upload Help?

    Hiya all, I have been trying to run a new campaign with both G and MSN and am having difficulty in entering my bulk keyword list (including broad, phrase and exact, annnnnd misspelled keywords) I am talking in excess of 50,000 keywords for a very very well defined niche product of which has...