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  1. Symmetry Power

    So when did the forum change?

    theres the premium section now and you have to pay 35 dollars a month? to view and post? guess jon is going to be raking in more dough
  2. Symmetry Power

    Interesting information in regards to watermarks

    hey guys.. i thought this was pretty cool.. i was searching for this earlier.. i don't condone this by the way.. *wink wink* click here
  3. Symmetry Power

    Need some help with a logo

    I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions or information on where to find some software or information about logo making. I'm trying to make a logo for my site and I just can't figure that much out, mostly because I keep on changing the direction as this is my first site that I'm really...
  4. Symmetry Power

    Stupid Fucking Online Classmates!!

    I just don't get it.. why is it whenever I go ahead and try online school.. which I do just to get money anyways.. is there just a bunch of fucktards in class... I made a post in the so called chat forum in our class, basically telling all them fucktards.. but in a nice way.. hey.. stop posting...
  5. Symmetry Power

    Can I get a bit of feedback please

    What do you guys think of this site so far.. in looks mostly is what I'm trying to get feedback on.. but of course feel free to give whatever opinion ya got.. it will all be taken into account.. Review Me! Thanks everyone who has time to do this..
  6. Symmetry Power

    Ms. USA Rachel Smith falls..

    man.. she fell.. lol.. well at least she got 4th runner up.. and japan won ms universe.. but man.. she fell.. but she kept her dignity about her.. much as one can when falling flat on your butt during that kind of competition..
  7. Symmetry Power

    SP's OFFICIAL Stumble Thread!

    Lol.. Ok so instead of me making a whole bunch of threads whenever I find something I like on a stumble.. I thought I'd make my official stumble thread.. and I'll just edit and update with my new stumbles periodically! Yay! Lol.. anyways check out this very interesting stumble.. this is for...
  8. Symmetry Power

    Watching Dark Angel

    So now I'm watching this fucking totally awesome Dark Angel marathon right now.. and it reminds me of a few things.. First and foremost.. Holy fucking shit Jessica Alba was hot as hell back then! Looked much better with the more meat on her bones.. Second.. Dark Angel was a great fucking show...
  9. Symmetry Power

    Oh yeah I'm getting a new laptop

    So I've been having problems with my compaq laptop right.. and it's been sent in twice and came back with nothing fixed on it.. so now my very nice ENGLISH SPEAKING quality case manager decided that considering everything I've been going through.. the 2 weeks of it still not getting taken care...
  10. Symmetry Power

    These are things I might be interested in buying from you.

    Ok check these out.. and let me know if you have anything of this.. Hardware: Most all servers that are Pentium II or newer. I am also interested in high end multi-processor and HP “V” series servers Desktop computers that are Pentium III, or newer Laptop computers that are Pentium II or...
  11. Symmetry Power

    This was a great fucking Stumble

    So as usual.. I was stumbling along.. and I just thought I'd share this.. at least to me.. fucking awesome stumble Index of /Tutorial/E-Book-Orginal Theres bound to be one of you fuckers who will enjoy it lol
  12. Symmetry Power

    Erotic Craiglist Pics are Funny

    When I'm bored I look at craigslist ads.. heres a nice young woman who wants to be your webcam slave hehe
  13. Symmetry Power

    I wanted to share this cool tool

    I came across this nifty lil tool recently.. cuz I am always looking for mass downloading programs.. and this one is really great.. you can download entire websites to your comp for offline viewing.. now why would someone do that you may ask? *or maybe you wont.. but I'll answer as if you did*...
  14. Symmetry Power

    Wo0t! My first profit

    I made my first profit this week with azoogle. So far since I signed up with them last week I've made about 80 bucks. I know that ain't a lot but I'm really excited. I've heard that it's good to actually profit in your first month hehe.. yay me!:rasta:
  15. Symmetry Power

    I got a potential great income earner..

    Edited and removed.. well just cuz you guys said it's a bad idea.. and I defer to your experience heh