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  1. gerMAN

    Inside the Secret World of the Data Crunchers Who Helped Obama Win

    Pretty interesting read. Obama Wins: How Chicago's Data-Driven Campaign Triumphed |
  2. gerMAN

    So who else got scammed by Scheme aka Justin R. G.

    Okay, now I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one this guy stole money from. Scheme aka Justin R. G. seemed to have at least SOME rep so I gave him WAY more time/patience than he deserves but now it seems like he decided to make a run for hit. Don't be stupid like me. Being a member since 2006...
  3. gerMAN

    Google's Answer to Facebook's Like Button?

    Meet +1: Google’s Answer To The Facebook Like Button
  4. gerMAN

    Man Bites Dog

    I think I watched this movie when I was like 16 or so and I thought it was great. If you can get over the fact that it's b/w AND subtitled (can't get more euro- artsy fartsy than that, i know) then this might be worth a watch. YouTube - Criterion Trailer 165: Man Bites Dog
  5. gerMAN

    Java 4 Ever

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
  6. gerMAN

    Germany vs. Australia

    we won.
  7. gerMAN

    Why didn't you think of this?

    this is the guy behind chatroulette. 17 years old, living in a ghetto in moscow - what's YOUR excuse? Google Translate sorry, couldn't find another interview so you gotta go with the google translate version which might add a smile here and there.
  8. gerMAN

    Cleaners WORTH more TO SOCIETY than bankers, SAYS THINKTHANK!!!!

    Cleaners worth more to society than bankers, says thinktank | Business | The Guardian Hospital cleaners are worth more to society than City bankers, according to a report that shows many low-paid workers increase the wellbeing of the nation more than the high-flying and much better-paid...
  9. gerMAN


    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. pretty interesting approach imo. discuss!
  10. gerMAN

    What would Penis do?

    YouTube - "What Would Penis Do?" Tales Of Mere Existence
  11. gerMAN

    Somebody tryin' to steal my shit or what?

    Hey there.. I'm getting lots of visits from the same IP,different keywords,no refferer. Banned the IP via htaccess... No I'm wondering since I just joined a new network, if they're already trying to steal my stuff and how they're doing it. Has this ever happend to anybody else? Or is this...
  12. gerMAN

    Birth of a Super-Villain

    ...don't say you've not been warned!
  13. gerMAN

    Secret weapon found in DoomII

    There it is. YouTube - Secret Weapon Doom I´s stupid...