Search results

  1. E

    Exploiting XSS for Profit. Should I pepper my angus?

    I've been doing some research today on exploiting XSS holes for fun and profit. I'm sure some of you guys on here are actively doing this. I have a strong urge right now to smoke some good weed and get to coding. Should I pepper my angus?
  2. E

    Programming & SEO?

    I'm looking to combine my love of programming with SEO. Right now I pretty much know nothing about SEO. All I know at this point are some basics and that you can do churn and burn and quickly get some traffic flowing. I'm thinking that a good strategy would be to use "parasites" like youtube...
  3. E

    Finance learning resources?

    I'm looking for some basic finance learning resources. Nothing too sophisticated or in-depth. I just want to get my feet wet and learn the fundamentals. Things like interest, debt, bonds, etc. My goal is to get an understanding of the basics, so that I will then be able to dive deeper and learn...
  4. E

    How much do you guys spend on testing an offer?

    Ive been doing $30-50 on yahoo search marketing and adwords to test offers that I feel can do well, and then see how they do. Do you guys spend more or less on your testing? Just curious cause I feel like $30-$50 might be too little. Thanks.:food-smiley-010:
  5. E

    Now Yahoo SM Keeps Declining My Ads....

    Ok, so now I keep trying to set up campaigns for all of these zip submit offers, and I am directly linking as well(why I was drawn to yahoo in the first place), and the pages looks nice and are clean and crisp, and yahoo is declining them within 2-3min saying "Page promotes an unacceptable...
  6. E

    Yahoo SM keeps declining my keywords?

    So im pushing this offer with yahoo ppc right now and my keywords keep getting denied, yet they are 100% relevant to my offer and its landing page content. Is Yahoo just hit or miss or like a flip of the coin with this? is it totaly random? I heard that it might have hit human review, but i...