Search results

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    How are people making adsense look like this? How is that done? I see legit sites that make a ton from adsense with these but I thought modifying adsense code to look different was against TOS.
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    How do you setup a lead gen form & relationship?

    Lets say I have a strong local domain like I want to build it up with long tail, geo-modified SEO articles. Then also create a PPC campaign targeting whatever keywords I get low CPCs on due to my domain name and content. The question then becomes how do I monetize it? I could...
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    Will switching Wordpress themes fuck up my SEO?

    My site has been on the same theme for about 2 years. It's a pile of shit. I want to switch to a responsive theme because a lot of my visitors are mobile. How much damage would such a dramatic change do? The urls would stay the same, content would all be there still but the homepage would be...
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    Best solution for processing credit card info?

    I'm building WordPress site for a dental business. My client has a merchant account, and an online terminal where he puts in clients CC info manually. He wants me to make a secure way to get the client's CC info from his new site so that he can then plug it into this online terminal. I'm not...
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    Need help with Hostgator

    I bought the Baby plan thinking I can host multiple sites since it says unlimited domains, but it keeps talking about a main domain? And I see no way to add add more websites to my hosting plan. Can someone help me figure this out or have I goofed and the Baby plan only allows one website? I...
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    You forgot blueberries

    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself. just keep watching
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    Need a bit of simple HTML/CSS help

    I have a button that has a background and some text on it like so: <a href="#" id="ad-toggle" class="postbutton">Click this </a> .postbutton { background:url("blue/post.png") no-repeat scroll center top What I'd like to do is get rid of the text on top and use just one image without text...
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    $1 Dollar domain at GoDaddy

    its one per account 99INDY
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    Friend thinking about starting his own hosting company through a reseller account.

    I need ten reasons this is an awful idea and he's better of spending his time elsewhere. I'll start us out: 1. A shit ton of headaches from customers. Read and go!
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    Do I have to add each website I use on

    I noticed they have a dropdown when you get the ad html that lists your website. Do I need to add each website I'm placing the ad on to get credit?
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    How do I make a PHP function throw out html code?

    In wordpress, lets say I want to have a php function that when called throws out html code. How would I accomplish this? Lets say my code is the adsense javascript. and if i want to make a php function get_adsense() that puts in that code in the wordpress loop, how do I define it? function...
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    Monetizing non-targeted, college student traffic.

    What do you think would convert the best on a missed connections type site for college students? Dating? Make money online? maybe mobile offers? I have no clue tbh, could use some advice thanks.
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    Programs that generate random list of domain names from keywords?

    Are there any programs out there that would generate a list of domains for me based on a keyword and some modifiers? ex. input: keyword1, keyword2, modifier1, modifier2,, etc.
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    This will soothe you (serious, check this out)

    Open this first Loop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube then in another tab no spinning penis, promise. incredibly relaxing.
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    Anyway to prevent AdBlock from blocking images?

    How does it catch what is an ad and what isnt? Just by the link ? Anyway to circumvent it? I'm talking links with banners. My favorite plugin became my most hated.
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    Best way to sell a site?

    In terms of procedures. Should I just take the money through paypal or what I have no clue. Also how do I transfer the ownership and things like the database?
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    How to resubmit AdSense application?

    They rejected me cause my site was under construction. Well I finished it go to resubmit it again, login again like they said in the email and it says What to do? There's no resubmit button or anything.
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    Can someone cliffnote the Acai Berry ?

    How did acai get so popular? Who got rich and how did they do it?
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    Can you explain this very strange backlink method? shows 51 total inlinks (backlinks?) and about half of them are from the site itself. Furthermore a bunch of the links are very strange like link...
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    How difficult is this keyword to break into? (pic)

    These are the top 10 results. None of them have keywords in domain, but some do in url. I have a (fresh) domain, how difficult would you say would it be for me to get first page or even top 3? Possible within 6 months? Most of them have high age. Oh and