Search results

  1. Chupin

    My attempt at being a "Big Brand"

    I have been wanting to do a journal type post for quite some time as a means of keeping myself consistently motivated and headed in the right direction, but have felt that my site wasn't quite to a point where a journal would benefit the forum. I still don't think I'm quite there, but sometimes...
  2. Chupin

    Best way to populate front page with content?

    I've been posting front page news on my project websites about once every 3 days, trolling google and rss feeds for fresh "news" to post in order to engage users and keep fresh content rolling for Google. This gets to be a pain in the ass and at this point, after doing it every single day for...
  3. Chupin

    Front Page Content

    Is it better to have a static block of text for your front page targeting a few of your juicy top level keywords, or is it better for your front page to be a list of your latest posts/pages?
  4. Chupin

    How to analyze competition?

    I'm looking at website that are currently on page 1 for a niche I'm considering trying to rank for. I've put the top 5 non "big-brand" websites into both opensiteexplorer and ahrefs. Both tools showing all the top 5's having under 2k backlinks, not very diverse anchor text, etc. What am I...
  5. Chupin

    Do links lose their value the more of them you have?

    Say I've got a site, 50k backlinks. Not spam, just a site that's been around for a long time and lots of people have linked it's content. I now want to rank for purple widgets. I create content, blah blah blah, is the fact that my main domain has 50k backlinks gonna hurt my purple widget...