Search results

  1. E

    Adult/Cam Affiliates Wanted !- New Exclusive Cam Model Offer!

    Hey Everyone, Finally got the site up last night. Wanted to make sure my WF crew got first dibs! BTW, great meeting most of you in NY at ASE. SOOOO, Here it is. **EXCLUSIVE** Pays on Second Page Trial Signup and C/C capture Takes all traffic except for Incent. I want...
  2. E

    Ideas for my Lander. Catering to my affiliates!

    Hey Guys, I posted before about my Iframe dating offer and I am in the middle of building landing pages for my affiliates that can't build or don't want to build their own landing pages. I am building 5 of them. I am just looking for ideas on what niches to cater too. If you could have a...
  3. E

    New Iframe Dating/Adult Offer taking all traffic!

    Hey Everyone, It's been a while since I last posted. Been changing the biz around and attacking new niche's. Hopefully I will catch most of you at Aff Summit NY. Anyways this is what I have been up to! :) I have a new exclusive dating offer that I am looking for Adult/Dating Publishers to...
  4. E

    Good Affiliate Networks that will take "Sexual Enhancement" Offers

    Hey WF Crew, Haven't talked to you in a while Jon. Hope you are well! I need your advice everyone. I have a couple of "Sexual Enhancement" offers I am about to launch and I need a network to take them. Obviuosly not all networks take on offers in this niche. Any recommendations? I...
  5. E

    Still making money with Facebook Ads?

    Anybody still making money with Facebook?
  6. E

    CJU 2007 Santa Barbara

    Is anyone going to CJU this year? Just wondering, so I could look out for fellow WickedFire Members...
  7. E

    AnyNBA Fans???

    Please tell me someone out there caught the Golden State v. Dallas Series? Wow, What a series!!! Baron Davis?!?! This dude is the truth! :bowdown::bowdown:
  8. E

    Learning php/MySQL

    Hey guys, I am an established affiliate manager with a great amount of experience marketing on the web but I don't know how to code. I would love to learn. Do you guys have any books, courses, anything you can recommend? Thanks:):):)