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  1. 3

    Having an opt-in newsletter..

    Hey guys, I've seen numerous places that people have opt-in newsletters and I've read here a couple times that it's generally a good idea to have an opt-in newsletter to help make you money. My question is -- why? Why not just have them signup through the blogs built-in user sign-up function...
  2. 3

    PHP includes & Google Crawlers

    Hey guys, I have a simple question here that some of you might be able to answer for me quickly... I'm going to be putting a website into development here pretty soon, and I'm thinking of having all of my pages randomly generated by reviews and shit from a MySQL backend. My question is: Will...
  3. 3

    Different Ad Websites

    Hey guys, I'm not so sure if this is supposed to go here or somewhere else, but I'd really like your information on the topic... You see...Way back about 3 years ago or so, I was running Google AdSense on one of my websites. Well, I told a couple friends about it, and they thought it was a...
  4. 3

    Keywords are keywords are keywords...

    Hey everyone, In this blatant series of n00b posts that I've started (well, not SERIES, as this is only my third post, second being an actual question post--but whatever) I'd like to know a little bit about keywords. Can we turn this into a decent discussion about keywords? Cause this could be...