Search results

  1. auctarb

    Any Ideas for Exit Popup Content?

    I am running a bunch of product datafeed sites that get a ton of traffic. Any ideas on what to use in an exit popup? I've tried all sorts of zip/email submits, eBay daily specials, even an adsense block. There's some action but not nearly as much as anticipated. I know popups suck, but there...
  2. auctarb

    Simultaneous Exact Match Competition Tool?

    Is there a way (or a tool) to check "long tail keywords" for search results competition for MORE THAN ONE KEYWORD AT A TIME? Typing keywords into the google Advance Search for exact match one-at-a-time takes a while. There must be something that will do this for several keywords at a time...
  3. auctarb

    Wordpress Product Datafeed Plugin?

    I found this and it looks like a pretty good idea. I already know everything else it has to offer except the plugin script. Is there a plugin for wordpress already available to do what's described - make datafeeds into web pages (or posts in this matter, I would assume)? I know it's an ebook...
  4. auctarb

    Stupid Duplicate Adword Question

    This must've been asked 1000 times, but I can't find the answer anywhere: If you can't have adwords ads with the same display URL at the same time show up at once, can you have your own set of adwords with different URLs that all point to the same website where all these ads all appear at the...
  5. auctarb

    What to Do With All this Traffic?

    I'm running a classified on ebay for a top search in pulse - Escorts. Getting about 300 hits a day and about 30% CTR to the affil offer. You can see the ad at run was only 1 sale in 3000+/- click-throughs (just enough to cover the cost of the ad). Clearly, the...
  6. auctarb

    Bitchin Tool

    For every site you visit using, SearchStatus lets you view its Google PageRank, Google Category, Alexa popularity ranking, ranking, Alexa incoming links, Alexa related links and backward links from Google, Yahoo! and MSN. This combined search-related information means you can view...
  7. auctarb

    Does Someone have a One-Time-Offer Page Maker?

    Looking for some way to make a page disappear forever once it's closed. In other words, the URL is hidden and you can't get back to it by hitting the Back Button.
  8. auctarb

    Is ClickBank Down?

    Can't sign in to all account for 2 days now. WTF?
  9. auctarb

    Accurate Keyword Search Traffic Anymore?

    Overtures data is ancient. Wordtracker uses non M, Y, & G data, G's bar charts are bogus. So how is keyword traffic found these waning days of '07?
  10. auctarb

    Mixing M,Y,& G Adsense on same page

    Can Content ads (adsense) be displayed on the same page without violating any TOC's?
  11. auctarb

    Pres Campaign Donation Affil Pgms

    Does anyone know of any sites taking in presidential campaign donations that have affiliate opportunities? I've googled all over as if I was a donor and this field is wide open for snatching a piece of the donation pie.
  12. auctarb

    Campaign Stuck in Google Queue

    I've been running a foreign language campaign in the English language countries for months. I made a duplicate campaign for some non-english speaking countries. It's been stuck in the approval queue for 6 weeks. They don't say there's anything wrong with it, just that they're backed up (and they...
  13. auctarb

    Wordpress Sticky Plugin No More?

    Do the plugins to make a particular post on wordpress remain at the top of the homepage work on the newest version? I've tried wp-sticky 1.10, wp-stickpost, and adhesive. None work. Sticky doesnt even sho up on the plugins page. The other two do, but when activated - no changes and no mods...
  14. auctarb

    Reverse Keyword Lookup?

    How does a program find out all the keywords being used in a PPC campaign just by entering the URL? - ex. affiliateelite. Here's the demo video: Created by Camtasia Studio 4
  15. auctarb

    Is Wordtacker a Has-Been?

    Who uses MetaCrawler & DogPile anymore? If a keyword shows any significant volume in WT it should at least peg the other tools – they’re almost always 0
  16. auctarb

    Where to Find Multilingual Affiliate Pgms

    I want to try promoting sites that have pages that autotranslate (you know, the little flags you can click on to translate). I takes a long time trying to find these in the Linkshares, CJ's, etc. Is there a more efficient way to do this? Thanks!
  17. auctarb

    Blog stopped showing in search - no competition

    Made a blogspot blog on a high traffic keyword (search results on that keyword returned about 5 sites only). The blog showed up the next day, #2 on page 1. A similar thing happened on another blog on a different niche around the same time. Obviously, The plan was to do this 100's of times. By...
  18. auctarb

    PPC-long tail kwds snuffed by broad match competition

    Scenario: Attempt to rank high in High competition, high traffic subject matter (i.e. car insurance), without bidding high and with few adword competitors in google PPC. Strategy: Use creative long tail kwd strings in "" or [], like "need high cost car insurance peddler in east memphis...