Search results

  1. RayHanz14

    202 Tracking on POF

    So I can't get my variables to track correctly on pof using Prosper 202. I get my affiliate link and add some subid's in at this stage. My link looks like this:,[[subid]],[[c1]],[[c2]] I then paste it over in 202 in Step 3 of the process...
  2. RayHanz14

    CSS not displaying?

    So I have a lander exactly the way I want it on my hard drive. After I upload it to my server, the "style.css" is not pulling thorough and just the HTML is being displayed. I have a feeling it has to do the folder structure and the paths in the index file but can't figure it out. Here's how...
  3. RayHanz14

    IM Careers in Philadelphia?

    I'm just looking for a little help here. Does anyone know of any Internet Marketing companies in the Philadelphia area that are hiring? I have a B.S. in Marketing from West Chester University and have been in the IM space for a little over a year now. I have to get out of my current career...
  4. RayHanz14

    Excel Combo Formula?

    What formula can I use to combine the elements of a data range into a single cell output? I'm trying to automate creating sub id's based on a few different variables. I need to use alphanumeric characters as well. I just used the "z's" to make it slightly easier to read Example: Image...
  5. RayHanz14

    Prosper 202 Redirect Issue

    Anybody else having issues with Prosper 202 and their redirects getting "stuck" and not moving through to their landers? - Ray
  6. RayHanz14

    Prosper202 Install Error

    Warning: require_once(/home/xxxxxxx/public_html/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/ 1.6.1/index.php on line 6 Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]...
  7. RayHanz14

    Who's smart?

    I just uploaded my lander's files to my server and I'm running into two problems: #1. When I bring up my page @ it just brings up the "Index of" page with the file directory listing. I need to type in "index.html" at the end to bring up my landing page. How can I have it so...
  8. RayHanz14

    Better Privacy Policy Generator?

    I'm looking to protect my ass and came across two free (supposedly) Privacy Policy Generators. and Anybody using them? recommendations?
  9. RayHanz14

    DMCA questions

    So I have a website that I'm driving traffic to that has copyrighted music and videos on it. I have a disclaimer page saying the normal legal stuff (all rights belong to copyrighted owner) but I'm not sure if this is enough. Should I register in accordance with the DMCA? Once you register...
  10. RayHanz14

    Campaign Creation: How can I speed it up?

    Quick question for the experienced marketers on the forum... How can I speed up the campaign creation process? Currently it's taking my 6-8 hours per campaign start to finish. 99% of the campaigns I have created so far have been setup to Direct Link. This includes: Goals - Campaign...
  11. RayHanz14

    Where you staying for ASE 2010?

    I'm heading from Philly to my first Affiliate Summit and was looking to stay in the mix and close to all of the action (Summit events and also the "extracurricular's"). Knowing that NYC is expensive as fuck I was looking for some help on where to stay that has a decent setup (location...
  12. RayHanz14

    Outsourcing LP Design

    I just outsourced my LP design for the first time. What questions-issues-requests should be and/or need to be addressed upfront?
  13. RayHanz14

    ASE 2010: Silver or Gold?

    So I'm planning on attending ASE 2010 in NYC this year. I've been doing PPC since January and was looking for some advice on whether go with the Silver or Gold pass at this stage in the game? I want to order them before April 30th to get that steep discount. Any feedback? - Ray
  14. RayHanz14

    Other Tracking Programs besides Tracking 202?

    I've been running 202 since starting PPC in January and since day one it hasn't accurately tracked my stats. The stats on 202 are way off from the clicks/conversions/etc. MSN and Yahoo are charging me for. I know it's got a great reputation and the guys/girls behind it are very well respected...
  15. RayHanz14

    Keep Running or Kill?

    I'm running a campaign right now where my average CPC is higher than the offer's payout. Obviously this business model sucks and something needs to be done. My CTR and conversions have been increasing over the last week so I would hate to completely stop the campaign since I feel like I'm...