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    [WTB] Scrapebox Wordpress MODERATED blog list

    Hello, I want a huge list off moderated wordpress blogs, no need for auto-approve. For some its useless, i want it. Not 2 or 4k lists, but big lists only plz
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    Adult payment processor like CB?

    For a new project i'm building for a client, i'm looking for a adult version of Clickbank... Were selling an adult download here. It needs to be easy to set up (no coding) and accept at least all major CC's and PayPal. Suggestions?
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    Any Hostgator affiliates here?

    I started promoting Hostgator hosting plans in March this year. Hostgator pays affiliates the last week of the month 60 days after the transaction. ===== When and how often will I be paid? Your commissions are paid on the last week of each month following the first 60 days after...
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    Anyone using Nifty Stats?

    I'm looking for a secure stable software to track all my incomes and expenses. I read some good things about Nifty Stats, but since youre sending all your data trough there software it would be nice to know that everything is safe and that there are no shenanigans. Anyone had experiance with...
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    Good (paid) multi-countries proxies

    Im using proxybonanza for my USA proxies, they have a very handy firefox plugin were you can add proxies and change them with one click. Now i want to add proxies of various (european)countries to check adnetworks etc. Who knows a good source to buy int. proxies?
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    Virtual machines? Using more windows accounts at once...

    Is there a way to use more windows accounts at once? I have several accounts all with different VPN connections in various countries, but when i want to acces my "italy" account i need to sign off from the "USA" account, sign back in to the "italy" account etc. Is there a way to have them...
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    Hide tracking pixels?

    Is there a way to hide the sources of the different tracking pixels on my thank-you page? It's really easy now for competitors to see my trafficsources in the source code of my thank-you page. Is there a way of cloaking/self hosting them? Or some other way to track conversions without...
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    [WTB] Adsense account activated

    I need to buy an adsense account that works. Let me know.
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    Using Google or other trademark logo's in you creatives.....

    If you promote an Bizzop offer, and you use teh Google logo in your banner, who's responsible when there sending there laywers? The Adnetwork hosting the banner? Or me the product owner or affiliate? I heard there were some thing going down with Oprah and berry creatives in the past? (im not...
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    Anyone else has trouble with They dont answer to my phonecalls, don't reply to my emails... .. And my campaigns are not running, and my funds are freezed. What the F More people advertising with Adoori experiencing troubles?
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    Wich good support software (takes care of all that)

    I'm getting like 200 emails a day in my support, and its a real pain to manually reply to all those emails. Now i do have some .txt files with the most common replies so i can copy paste. But there must be some support software i can use were you can simply reply faster by using some keyboard...
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    What do you do with your "Unsubcribe" list.. [Aweber]

    I have a couple thousand emails in my unsubscribe list in Aweber and im about to delete them... .. Or is there something else to do with them? What do you do with your unsubscribe lists??
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    How long profitable?

    Let's say you finaly hit a winning campaing, tagerting a demo of 30 million people, you get 2 million ad impressions a day (cap 4). How long will the campaign stay profitable in your experience? Yes i know it depends on this and that and yadiyadiyadi...
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    Bizznizz-op niche tips? Demo's? Traffic sources..?

    Im moving from the dating niche to the bizzop niche, i was wondering if someone with bizzop experience could give me some pointers... Offcourse im testing my own crea's, demo's etcetc but i would be great to have some "jump"-start to test my campaigns with.. Thanx
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    Consultancy / optimalisation firms...?

    Im looking for the best IM consultancy en conversion optimalisation firms in the US. In terms of size and revenue. I tried to use G, but im not familiar with the market in the US / int. Can you help me out? :thumbsup:
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    VPN + Fresh laptop + 5 Gurg Accounts = ?

    I just signed up at StrongVPN to manage multiply Gurg accounts. I have a fresh laptop sitting here just for the purpose of using with Gurg Adw accounts. Can someone give me some good pointers how to use this new laptop in combination with my strongVPN connections to manage +- 5 Gurg Adw...
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    Softweah to delete (flash)cookies and create new IP?

    Does someone know some kind of software to delete all my (flash)cookies and create a new IP? So that Gurgle thinks im a different user each time i log in to Adwrdz. I cant acces the modem in this building so cant do that. :anon.sml:
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    Amish Shah with Maserati GT

    Im looking for a guru promo clip were Amish Shah pulls up in a parkinglot in a black maserati gran turismo.... About 6-7 months ago... Who can help out.. (BTW the reason i need the vid has nothing to do with Amish, or any other guru stiuff ^^ its about the car)
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    How to not get your URL flagged bij Adwerdz?

    I have some troubles with uncle G, As a short term solution i bought some Adwords accounts funded with 100$ vouchers, since there all VCC's im planning on using them till the budget is dried up and then upload the campaign to a new account. But im thinking of ways to advertise to my own...