Search results

  1. sappire

    Need A Company Logo Designed!

    We are a newly established import & export company and we need a professional logo designed fast. PM me your turnaround time, price and portfolio. Thanks.
  2. sappire

    StateMaster - US Statistics, State Comparisons

    Find this nice website when I was doing a little demo research online. Thought I might share it here with you guys: StateMaster - US Statistics, State Comparisons Hope it hasn't been shared before! Cheers.:D
  3. sappire

    Facebook Ads is down?

    It is giving me this error now: then a blank page? WTF? Anyone experiencing the same error? HOLY SHIT! Justin Bieber Facebook Page Crashes Facebook Stories
  4. sappire

    Seniors online habits, good to know!

    For those of you targeting this demographic. Mashable has a very good article explaining what do senior citizens usually do online. I think I'll implement some of the ideas in my content network campaigns. :) What Do Seniors Do Online? Visit Facebook and YouTube, of Course [STATS] :)
  5. sappire

    What is this? Click Fraud?

    Last time when I log into my Tracking202 account and I saw this? Click Fraud from Google Search Partner?:1zhelp: Any ideas?