Search results

  1. 50saysHeEatsIt

    How to set up your XBMC Media Center

    I learned about XBMC here, so I wanted to pass this along to other media center noobs like myself that might be looking to set this up. How To Set Up Your XBMC Media Center
  2. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Unconventional advertising Pontiac: sorry for failed embeds...
  3. 50saysHeEatsIt

    When hair metal died

    Moxie wrote this in the Jani Lane thread, and I never heard the songs he posted, probably because they came out after Nirvana killed metal. (or at least started its decline). Anyway, that made me think of another hairband that never made it big because they emerged post-Nirvana. Too bad for...
  4. 50saysHeEatsIt


    Lots of lulz here. Anyone here from Reno and can verify it's a shithole? YouTube - DON'T DO IT IN THE PARK (REAL KICK OUT)
  5. 50saysHeEatsIt

    WTF is wrong with Sedo

    I am a new user, trying to get an appraisal, and when trying to pay with paypal, I get this: I clicked "get me out of here". So I go to my billing section of sedo, when I click on my order number (status: unpaid), I get a dialog box that says "1 Invalid call". Is this possibly a...
  6. 50saysHeEatsIt

    file and folder comparison tool

    Anyone recommend the best freeware? Yes I googled, but asking here because I'm looking for your experience, plus it is hard to tell which freeware does not have adware. I copied a folder from one computer to another, then looked at the properties of each one, and one has one more file than the...
  7. 50saysHeEatsIt


    I never did like Gilbert Gottfried, but he was actually pretty good in this... failed embed.. He's in the 2nd episode.
  8. 50saysHeEatsIt

    keyword stuffing non-sensical pages

    Ok, so I subscribe to Google Alerts for [widget - so it don't look like self-promo.] Every once in a while, the google alert link takes me to one of these bullshit pages, such as: With 3rd heart and unlimited desire, Erik Compton_health_health Advice at WTF? What is the industry...
  9. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Big ass flashlight

    Someone emailed this to me as an attachment, so I created a drop to share with you. "Gets nasty? Get down to business." lol wickedfire then click on the filmstrip
  10. 50saysHeEatsIt

    War of the Roses

    If you guys want to hear some funny shit about cheating relationships, check this out. MAGIC 925 Podcast Last time I was at this site was about a month ago, and the postcasts played fine, but now I can't get them to play. Trying to figure out if it is just my PC, or an issue with their site.
  11. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Portable Media Player

    I am in the market for my first Portable Media Player. I have read most of these reviews, but all of them have pros and cons, so I still can't decide. I am wondering if any WF gadget gurus have a PMP that they me decide. MP3 Player and Multimedia Player Reviews - IT Reviews So...
  12. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Chris Berman pwns camera crew

    He must be dealing with other issues, because he seems too pissed about something stupid. His act is so old...hope he gets fired. <object height="355" width="425"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355"...
  13. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Who'm makin' love in the middle of my Gangbang

    <object width="464" height="388" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="key=7b0243db14" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><embed width="464"...
  14. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Face pelted with beer bottle

    This is precious...amazing...hilarious. <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"...
  15. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Student gets tasered

    All politics aside, do you think this dude deserved to be pulled away from the podium in the first place? Yeah he may be douchish, but with 3 or 4 cops on you, a taser was really unnecessary. 50 says this cop is suspended within a week. <object width="425" height="353"><param name="movie"...
  16. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Remote desktop freeware

    We have been using for remote presentations, etc, but we don't use it near enough to justify the $50/mo. So I am looking for free alternatives. After googling, it seems might be worth a try. I am hoping I can get some user experiences and suggestions. Thanks!
  17. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Globat's automatic upgrade

    I finally fired off this email to Globat today after putting up with this shit for too long. Anybody know a host that doesn't pull shit like this? It seems like this should be illegal.....emailing you, telling you that if YOU DON'T opt out within 10 days, that must mean you want the upgrade...
  18. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Six Lamest Social Networks

    I was reading this: Beware These Six Lamest Social Networks and found it funny how the author calls these people pussies. Stop Cyberbullying (Not Allowed - Stop Cyberbullying) What it is A safe place for frank discussions on the topic of Internet bullying Who you'll meet Pussies What's...
  19. 50saysHeEatsIt

    Gong Show

    I remember watching this show as a kid. I would guess 75% of you have never seen it. Here's a pretty good one... YouTube - Gong Show That host was always higher than a kite, lol
  20. 50saysHeEatsIt

    n00b bittorrent user - how long to seed

    First time BitTorrent user. I successfully downloaded a 695 MB file, (which took approx 4 hrs), so now I am a "seeder". I am still connected, and I have 11 connections, but I have only uploaded 102 MB. At this rate, it will take at least 24 hrs to reach the 'golden rule' of 1:1 ratio (you...