Search results

  1. S

    Happy New Year

    Chinese New Year I'm spending the day at Chinatown in Chicago. Hope I don't get stepped on by a Lion. BTW It's Pig Year :)
  2. S

    IE7 and cookies

    I have heard that IE7 doesn't pass affiliate cookies. Is this something to worry about?
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    Affiliate programs with cursors

    I'm looking for an affiliate program that has downloadable cursors for a campaign. Anyone know of another one besides Azoogle? Thanks
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    Too many Adsense Ads?

    Is it possible to have too many Adsense ads on a page? I don't mean having too many blocks for Google TOS. I mean too many individual ads. I have been running 3 large rectangles on my pages (along with a link bar). I just wonder if by the time you get to the last block of ads shown, if the bid...
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    CSS vs. Tables

    For you layout experts out there. Working with tables sems a bit easier but the idea of using CSS and having less code on a page makes sense. Are most browsers in use now ok with CSS? Is there that much advantage to not using tables for layout?
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    Link Trade Section?

    How about a dedicated link trade section.? Right now most of the buy,sell,trade seems to be link trades.
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    What's a good step up from shared hosting?

    Reseller or VPS? I hope I will need to grow in a few months.