Search results

  1. S

    How to spot affiliate competition?

    I am in the process to launch a datafeed affiliate site. While doing some niche competition research - it is easy to spot your merchant's competition, but I am more interested to see what my merchant affiliates (= my direct competitors) do. Anyone has ideas how to find other merchant affiliates?
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    How to find local sites running AdSense?

    Would like to test one offer with AdWords Placement Campaign. It is a locally based offer valid in one State only. What are the ways to find local sites running AdSense, say, in Florida? Thank you.
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    Marketing with Squidoo, Hubpages, Wordpress, etc

    Does anyone do that yet? All my entries get deleted within a short period of time for the violation of TOS. Are there any tips to keep the posts running on these websites? Or the services are so advanced now that they remove all affiliate stuff that fast?
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    Consumer products PPC

    I was about to test PPC affiliate marketing with some consumer goods, but checking my competition i discovered all places occupied with monster retailers. How to promote consumer products (electronics, beauty products, etc) with PPC competing against all the retailers (being an affiliate to...
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    Consumer products PPC: need a hint

    I am quite new to PPC. I would like to start with promoting consumer goods as an affiliate. But when I explore competition I find only brand retail stores in Google AdWords result listings (Google results right column). What am I doing wrong? Or is there no place for affiliates to do PPC...
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    Pls, recommend blogs, sites on CPA marketing

    Could anyone share good and reliable resources - blogs, websites - on CPA marketing?
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    Google Algorithm Revealed (in part)

    Some factors Google considers when ranking web pages: Google Algorithm Revealed
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    How would you use this workforce?

    If you had an access to a pool of relatively cheap labour force with the below characteristics, what would you do with it for your Internet business? - 5-15 persons - males and females aged 19-24 - University students and post-graduates - PC and Internet literate - good English language...
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    Advice on starting an outsourcing development business

    I run a few websites of my own – some content projects. Would like to move ahead. I am in a situation when I have here (I reside in Eastern Europe) access to a pool of coders of different skills. And I am interested to start an outsourcing development business – to provide software...